I simply want to take you on a journey with the religion of peace starting point from Eastern Europe to the far east of Asia , lets call it a tour, or a geography lesson but the main purpose is to show if Islam is a religion of peace indeed? and i am going to focus on cities that start with the letter "B" so fasten your seat belts or should i say put on your bullet proof vest and enjoy this trip,
Belgrade former Yugoslavia is our first stop, now after the war and the Muslim Bosnian and Christian Serbs fight and now trying to get independence for Kosovo, we all know the violent history and what happened to this country
Bislan is the second stop and everyone knows what the muslim Chechen had done there, they held up a school with the children present, and then they massacred 334 people including 186 children
Beirut is our third stop we know what this country went through from wars Muslims vs Christians and now hizballah controls this beautiful country and what was considered christian at one time, Beirut was once the center for civilization in the middle east, until the Syrians, the Palestinians and then Hizboallah moved in and made it ruins.
Baghdad is our fourth stop, we know this is a war zone and no not the Americans but sunnis and shiaats, Iraq vs. Iran, Iraq invasion of Kuwait, as you see it muslim vs muslim violence, this was also once a christian country the Assyrian kingdom and once Chaldean were living in peace before islam, I wonder how many Christians are still living in this country?
Bethlehem is our 5th stop, once the holiest town for Christians and still is this where the nativity church is and the birth place of Jesus, ,we all remember the armed muslims that took refuge in the church and were fighting the israelis, now Bethlehem is mostly muslim and this was once all christian, now christians are minority,less than 5%.
Bishawer پشاور Pakistan is our 6th stop , this is the Disneyland for terrorists and alqaida charity organization, we all know what this town is all about, terror and violence , extreme and fanatic muslims. maybe a good picture of the 7th century, u get the picture.
Bali Indonesia is our 7th stop, this is the country with the largest muslim population in the world, we also have heard and seen the terror attacks that claimed the lives of 202 people in the Bali terror attacks in 2002
Bombay (Mumbai) is the 8th and last stop and we know how many attacks were done by muslims extremists on Hindus . and the latest attacks on Mumbai in 2008.
I hope you enjoyed this trip / journey, this 8 cities tour gave u an idea if the religion of peace is indeed the religion of peace we always hear about, you be the judge.
Can you imagine if we go through the entire alphabet from A-Z how much violence, how much terror and how much death can we credit to the religion of peace?
I hope you enjoyed your trip.
I welcome your comments and feedback.
These short poems by Robin Hood can only express how I feel about this brave and smart lady Dr. Wafa Sultan, yes they are short but they say a lot, and we all know Dr. Sultan is worthy of these words, in fact she even deserve more.
I loved these poems so much that I had to post here on my blog.
Thank you Robin Hood, keep those poems coming((( يا سلطانة الوفاء )))
يا أيتها الدواء و يا نقية الهواء
يا نجمة السماء و يا رائدة الفضاء
يا شمعة الضياء و يا مودة الصفاء
يا قلم العطاء و يا أمل النساء
يا نجمة المساء و يا سلطانة الوفاء
أنت شمعة * لدروبي المظلمة
أنت ميناء * لسفينتي المحطمة
أنت بلسم * لأحزاني المؤلمة
أنت مدرسة * بمعنى الكلمة
أنت منارة لكل مسلم ومسلمة
روبن هود
لماذا لم تظهري من زمان
لأنك تعرفي قيمة الأنسان
أين كنت من زمان
أنت كل الحب والحنان
كلماتك لنا هي الأمان
أين كنت من زمان
نهدي لك وردة من كل بستان
نحن كلنا جنودك الشجعان
أين كنت من زمان
يا محبوبة كل الأوطان
مصر عراق سورية و عمان
قلمك يمحي كل الأحزان
أين كنت من زمان
يا وفاء يا بنت السلطان
* روبن هود *