Let me start this topic with an easy question, in the picture above can you tell which women are the muslims? well let me help you, first of all it is not an easy question, its a tricky question, and you may have guessed wrong, the answer is all are muslim women. are you surprised? well dont be, as you read this topic you will understand the difference.
Well some may say , i am too focused on women and islam, and the answer is yes, maybe I am but I feel its a very important topic and I see women for the most part as the clear victim of this religion, and some may ask, how are they victims when the have a choice, and the simple answer to that, no they do not have the choice, most muslim women are controlled, oppressed and yes i see them as victims of this religion that is mainly a male dominating religion.
Now some may ask, well we see those ladies in the picture above dressed just like western women yet they are muslims , and I agree to that to certain degree, first of all most women who dress as such they reside in lebanon which was once majority christian but changing and now mostly muslim, for sure you wont find them in saudi arabia, Iran, Sudan, or iraq, or in gaza, although Palestine was also once mostly christian and the same can be said about iraq where it used to be mostly Chaldean and Assyrian.
Well with islam and i mean extreme islam and fanatic islam and islamists and radicals growing in most of the arab and muslim world even in secular Turkey and Tunisia,even in Syria and Jordan and Egypt, that entire region is changing and if muslims and islamists get their way, we will not see women like these dare dress like that in any muslim country. Thats the danger and thats the threat to freedom. Even Christian women in gaza do not dare walk on the street without a veil , same in Saudi arabia, yemen,sudan and Iran ..etc.
Now if you look at the other 3 women with the cover (niqab) and we see many of them now just about in all the muslim countries, we even see some in Europe and the USA now , thats a sign of the creeping islam, its spreading like cancer, and something needs to be done to stop that.
I realize that there are some muslim brave women who are fighting this and i had several topics on these women, such as Dr. Wafa Sultan and many others listed on my channel, these women are our only hope , and they will make a difference, as more and more women are listening to these smart and educated ladies,and I am sure one day muslim women will wake up and realize the misery they are in and the abuse and oppression they are subjected to. Every time I visit Dr. Sultans web site I read all these support letters from Muslim women and men, yes people like Wafa Sultan are making a change and people are listening to them. we need more people like Dr. Sultan.(please visit her web site, click on her picture on my sidebar>>>)
I really feel sorry for the 3 women in Niqab above, I just wonder how much brainwashing and abuse they have been subjected to.
In conclusion,and back to the title of this post "islam and women" , I can only say this, Islam really oppresses women and degrades them , no one can dispute and refute these facts , as the evidence is very clear on how women are treated in the muslim world.
I welcome the feedback.
These short poems by Robin Hood can only express how I feel about this brave and smart lady Dr. Wafa Sultan, yes they are short but they say a lot, and we all know Dr. Sultan is worthy of these words, in fact she even deserve more.
I loved these poems so much that I had to post here on my blog.
Thank you Robin Hood, keep those poems coming((( يا سلطانة الوفاء )))
يا أيتها الدواء و يا نقية الهواء
يا نجمة السماء و يا رائدة الفضاء
يا شمعة الضياء و يا مودة الصفاء
يا قلم العطاء و يا أمل النساء
يا نجمة المساء و يا سلطانة الوفاء
أنت شمعة * لدروبي المظلمة
أنت ميناء * لسفينتي المحطمة
أنت بلسم * لأحزاني المؤلمة
أنت مدرسة * بمعنى الكلمة
أنت منارة لكل مسلم ومسلمة
روبن هود
لماذا لم تظهري من زمان
لأنك تعرفي قيمة الأنسان
أين كنت من زمان
أنت كل الحب والحنان
كلماتك لنا هي الأمان
أين كنت من زمان
نهدي لك وردة من كل بستان
نحن كلنا جنودك الشجعان
أين كنت من زمان
يا محبوبة كل الأوطان
مصر عراق سورية و عمان
قلمك يمحي كل الأحزان
أين كنت من زمان
يا وفاء يا بنت السلطان
* روبن هود *