Saturday, May 30, 2009
Brave Saudi Woman tells the truth about Islam
This lady Buthaina Nasser is not only smart, but she is brave as well, when she appeared on a TV network to challenge a Saudi cleric on hijab and covering the face and the islam not allowing women to appear on tv as the cleric was saying.
she also talked how muslims are brainwashed since childhood, and she talks about women and how they are treated and discriminated against in islam.
we need more ladies like this one, she reminds me of Dr. Wafa Sultan. I see these women have more courage than most muslims out there.
I will be posting the video clip on this lady in my video bar in order for everyone to watch, listen or read the captions since the interview was in Arabic.
I salute this lady and i wish to see more muslim ladies speak out and demand their rights. Its about time to treat women as equal to a man, respect her and stop the abuse . Islam has clearly discriminated against women and did not give them equal rights as men.
Please watch the video clip, and feel free to comment. I look forward to your feedback
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Saudi woman / Scholar "Women before islam were better off than women in Islam today"
Hatoon al-Fassi argues women enjoyed more rights in Nabataean state than in Saudi Arabia today.
When clerics, ministers and businessmen gathered at a forum in Riyadh last month to discuss women in the workplace, there were no women in sight.
Typically for Saudi Arabia, the women who took part were seated in a separate room so the men could only hear them.
Such oddities are part and parcel of the complex system of social control maintained by clerics of Saudi Arabia's austere version of Sunni Islamic law, often termed Wahhabism. It's a system called into question by scholar Hatoon al-Fassi.
In her study, "Women In Pre-Islamic Arabia", the outspoken rights advocate argues women in the pre-Islamic period enjoyed considerable rights in the Nabataean state, an urban Arabian kingdom centered in modern Jordan, south Syria and northwest Saudi Arabia during the Roman empire.
Most controversially, Fassi says women in Nabataea - whose capital was the famous rose-red city of Petra in south Jordan and which was at its height during the lifetime of Jesus Christ - enjoyed more freedom than in Saudi Arabia today because clerics have misunderstood the origins of Islamic law.
She also suggests some Saudi restrictions on women may have their origins in Greco-Roman traditions.
"One of the objectives of this book is to question the assumption of subordination of women in pre-Islamic Arabia," Fassi writes. "Most of the practices related to women's status are based on some local traditional practices that are not necessarily Islamic. Nor are they essentially Arabian."
She argues women in Nabataea were free to conduct legal contracts in their own name with no male guardian, unlike in Greek and Roman law, and in Saudi Arabia where the guardian is central to the clerics' idea of a moral public sphere.
The Wahhabi interpretation of sharia requires a "muhrim" - father, husband, brother or son - to accompany women in public, allow them to travel and attest their legal contracts.
US-based Human Rights Watch attacked that system in a report in April as treating women as effectively legal minors.
At last month's televised "National Dialogue", clerics insisted women could work only in segregated female-only workspaces. Their opponents in government say these rules have kept unemployment among women at around 26 percent.
"I found that with Nabataean women the legal status and self representation was stronger and more evident than with Greek women who needed always a 'tutor', or representative, in order to conclude any contract," Fassi said in an interview.
"An adaptation of Greek and Roman laws was inserted in Islamic law," she said, referring to guardianship. "I would insist that it's an ancient adaptation, that (Muslim) scholars are not aware of, and they would really be shocked."
Origins of Sharia
The main schools of sharia were codified in the 9th century AD in territories where a ruling Arab elite mixed with non-Arab and non-Muslim populations in the aftermath of the Arab conquests and the rise of Islam in the 7th century AD.
The main body of the law is derived mainly from oral traditions attributed to the Prophet Mohammad, and viewed by Islamic scholars as divine in origin. Scholars in the West have seen, in effect, a mix of Arabian, Jewish and Roman origins.
"The argument about Greco-Roman law having influenced the sharia rules about women could have some basis if one thinks in terms of Middle Eastern adaptations - 'provincial versions' - of Greco-Roman law," said Gerald Hawting, a historian of early Islam at the School of Oriental & African Studies in London.
Fassi, he said, "is not likely to win many friends among the traditional ulama (scholars) by arguing that important elements of the sharia originate from human history and not from God".
Fassi's ideas reflect views often expressed by Arab liberals -- that restrictive traditions in the empires conquered by the Arabs found their way into Islam. Egyptian feminist Nawal al-Saadawi, for one, has often been attacked for saying as much.
"The deterioration in women's status is clear. We now live the worst status imaginable as women," said Fawziya al-Oyouni, a women's rights activist who lobbies for women's right to drive. "There is no religious text that stipulates 'guardianship'."
More liberal times
Signs are around 2,000 years ago things were not so strict.
Using coins and inscriptions on Nabataean tombs and monuments in Greek and Semitic languages, Fassi surmises that women's independent status was linked to a rise in trade and political exchanges in the ancient world at the time.
"There was a certain economic change in that period that allowed women to become stronger or more visible," she said. "I believe it was because of the economic absence of men ... At the end of the first century BC the caravan trade became intensive, twice a year rather than once in the previous millennium."
The last of the Middle East states to fall to direct Roman rule in 106 AD, the Nabataean confederation's power was based on desert trade routes from Yemen to Greece and Rome.
Nabataean queens had coins struck in their name and showing their face, with light hair-covering veils. Today, Saudi clerics expound at length on television and in other forums on the complex rules over when women can and cannot reveal their faces.
An urbanized Bedouin state, Nabataea has received relatively little attention from scholars, some of whom question whether it was authentically Arab. Petra was even forgotten to history until "discovered" in 1812 by Swiss explorer Johann Burckhardt.
Fassi, banned from teaching at King Saud University since 2001, suggested one reason for the neglect was that Nabataea defies stereotypes about Arabs.
"(Nabataea) has weakened the idea that Arabians were merely or essentially nomads, by having an Arabian urbanized state," she says in her book, published by British Archaeological Reports.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Islam, a religion of Peace
If you believed the title then u r a fool or I fooled u, regardless , lets take a look to decide where islam stands from this ststement "Islam , a religion of peace" One quick look and its not too difficult to see where islam is going, its going backward and back in time to the days of the prophet when ,violence , death,wars and killing were used to spread the message. Its amazing how muslims take pride in going backward while the rest of the world is moving forward, advancing and moving ahead. Its unfortunate that muslims chose this path and decided to pursue every possible avenue to reach their destination at any cost, at the cost of humanity, civilization, peace, democracy, and freedom.
Muslims do not realize that they are subjecting themselves and others to the consequences of the poor decision they took. In order for me to give everyone a clear picture of what i am talking about and where I am heading with this article, I am going to post a series of events in a form of question and answer to give the reader a better picture of what I am getting to. After you read these questions, then ask yourself this simple question, is islam a true religion of peace?
Q.1 Who tried to assassinate the Pope
A. A Muslim Turk
Q.2 Who killed the nun in Pakistan
A. A Muslim Paki
Q.3 Who killed the Dutch Movie Director Van Gogh?
A. A Muslim
Q.4 Who killed the Armenian / Turkish journalist Dink
A. A Muslim Turk
Q.5 Who killed the Coptic old man in Egypt at the church?
A.A Muslim Egyptian
Q.6. Who Killed The UN aid worker helping the children in Iraq?
A. A Muslim Iraqi
Q.7 Who killed the nurses in Pakistan.
A. A Muslim Paki
Q.8 Who killed the Jordanian Jamil Ahmad Al Refai who convertedto Christianity in
A. A Muslim Lebanese
Q.9 Who beheaded the US reporter Daniel Pearl in Pakistan
A. A Muslim Pakistani
Q10. Who Killed the 2 preachers in Phillipines
A. A Muslim Phillipino
Q11. Who Killed the Bible church nurse in Lebanon?
A. A Muslim Lebanese
Q12. Who killed the American doctors in Yemen?
A. A Muslim Yemmani
Q.13 Who killed the 2 Belgian ladies tourists in Yemen?
A. A Muslim Yemmeni
Q.14 Who Killed the Iraqi bishop in Mosul on Jan 2008 and 3 of his companions ?
A. A Muslim Iraqi
Q.15 Who stabbed the Egyptian nun and killed 3 Christians
A- A Muslim Egyptian
Q.16 Who killed the 2 Christian Palestinians in Gaza?
A- A Muslim Palestinian
Q.17 Who Killed 10,000 Christian Indonesian and burnt 1,000 churches?
A- Muslim Indonesians
Q. 18 Who attacked the Students from a Lebanese Christian University in Amman
Jordan killing and injuring some of them. As they were performing in
Amman's Amphitheater?
A-A Muslim Jordanian
Q.19 Who attacked the children school in Bislan killing hundreds of children.
A-A Chechen Muslim
Q. 20 Who committed Sept 11 that resulted in the death of more than 3000 innocent
A. Muslims
Q. 21 Who committed London metro and Madrid,Jordan,indonesia,Mumbai terror
A. Muslims
Q. 22 Who are the most fanatic, radicals and terrorists?
A. Muslims
Q. 23 Who is involved in wars with Christians, Jews, and Hindus?
A. Muslims
Q. 24 Who burnt churches in Egypt,Lebanon and Iraq(30 churches) ,Nigeria (18
A. Muslims
Q. 25 Who forced more than 1 million Iraqi Christians out of their homes?
A. Muslims
Q. 26 Who killed 150,000 Armenian Christians
A. Muslims
Q. 27 Who killed 750,000 Iraqi Assyrians ?
A. Muslims
Q. 28 Who Killed 300,000 people in Darfur?
A. Muslims
Q. 29 Who killed 3,000,000 Bangladeshi Hindus
A. Muslims
As I always do in my posts, I present the facts and the truth and all the evidence, now u be the judge and u make the decision if this is the route we want to be on and if this is where we want muslims to take us. I know my answer, do you know yours?
I welcome your feedback
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Islam, a religion or a cult?
If you asked me what is a religion , i would answer anything that teaches human beings values, like love, forgiveness and peace, values that Jesus taught us and was an example and he lived all these values, it was not simply words that he passed along and did not follow , he taught us to turn the other cheek and to love one another he even told us to love the enemy, he forgave his enemy too.
now what is a cult?
a cult is a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols - Islam is a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols.
a cult is a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader. - Islam is a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader.
a cult is a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal - islam is a a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal
a cult has a leader - islam has a leader
a cult is devotion - islam is devotion
a cult is domination - islam is domination
a cult uses control and fear tactics - islam uses control and fear tactics
a cult brainwashes members - islam brainwashes members
a cult uses violence and beatings - islam commits violence, beatings and terror
if u leave a cult u can get killed - if u leave islam / apostate u can get killed
now that we see the similarities , i can conclude that it is a perfect match therefore islam can be considered a cult more than a religion.
If u refute these facts, please be my guest, I am open for your feedback.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Is Obama the best thing that ever happened to muslims and islam?
Some may ask this question and some in fact believe that he is , some accuse him of being a sympathizer and some went as far as calling him muslim, but the most important thing is to find the answer to the question, Is Obama the best thing that ever happened to muslims and islam?
Since Obama took office , he started talking about having direct talks to iran, which angered many and they thought that Obama is making the USA weaker, but Obama's talk is different than his action, the next day of that friendly gesture to Iran, he extended the sanctions on iran, so the action was totally opposite to what he said, few months down the road he made similar friendly gesture to Syria and said that he want to improve relations with syria and couple days after he extended the sanctions on Syria, so once again, he showed the world that he is not doing muslims nor isalm any favors. Then we all saw what happened after his meeting with Zaldari of pakistan last week, now Pakistan is launching fierce fights and battles to crush Taliban and the Islamists in Sewat Valley, next he spoke of a visit to Egypt which angered the muslim brothers there as they feared this visit will divide and split the muslim world more than it is already and will increase the rift and make it deeper and it will weaken the muslim world and diminish the islamic dream of one Ummah.
also president Obama made a 180 degree change in a decision to release torture photographs of Iraqi prisoners in order not to jeopardize the safety of american soldiers around the world ,as this could cause some extreme islamists to take revenge.
so for those delusional on Obama being the savior of islam and muslims and for those who think he is the best thing that happened to islam and muslims, sorry to tell u, it was only a dream, Obama is smarter than to get involved with a radical and evil cult of terrorists. When it comes to the muslim world, his words are totally different than his actions,its called the politics game, the carrot and stick I talked about before many times, so if i was you, I would not hold my breath and call him the savior, he maybe the savior but NOT for Islam.
and no obama is not a God, nor Jesus ,nor saint and nor a prophet, but some expect miracles out of him in his short time as the leader of the greatest country in the world,so i tell u, he is not god and he is no magician and he can not use the magical wand to fix all the problems, but he is for sure a good president and will do his best for this country.
I bet few are going to say something about the photo, but hey i welcome all comments and remarks, even the negative ones. its all about democracy and freedom of speech.
Thank God for the USA.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Iran playing the democracy game by releasing the detained American Journalist
As I predicted the American journalist Roxana Saberi that was arrested and sentenced to 8 yrs and jailed in Iran for Espionage for the United States was just released. So the politics game is still being played between the USA and Iran, and at one time I called it the stick and carrot policy, the give and take, as part of the diplomacy game that both countries are playing and playing well. Iran is in desperate need to prove to the world that it is a democracy when we all know how the Iranians and the Iranian dictator Ahmadi Nejad operates, democracy should not even be mentioned at the same time with Iran, as it is none existent . Regardless of where iran stands on issues of democracy, freedom, liberty and human rights and we all know exactly where, I am sure this gesture is another attempt by the Iranian regime to try to restore and improve relations with the west and especially the USA.
Some may argue that the US leadership has also made conses ions to the iranian by suggesting to have direct talks and dialogue with the iranians. But lets not forget the same policy of carrot and stick was used as president Obama extended the sanctions on Iran.
In conclusion, we all know how the Islamic republic of iran is being run by the lunatic dictator Nejad,but hey releasing this American journalist is a good move, a nice gesture and anything for the sake of humanity, freedom and democracy, we will take it.
Final message to the Iranian leader, you can pretend to be civil, democratic, and friendly all you want, we still dont trust u, we will not fall for it, we know u too well, we also know what u r all about and where u come from, u cant fool us, we are much smarter than you.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
did the pope disgrace islam and muslims with his shoes?
We all remember when the muslim world went crazy over the pope remarks during a speech in 2006 in Germany where he was quoting a 14th Century Byzantine emperor as saying, “Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.” and since then muslims are waiting for an apology, just few days ago the Pope went to visit a muslim country Jordan ,and muslims were expecting an apology that never happened, instead new drama had started over the pope shoe, as they were offended that he entered king Hussien mosque with his shoe, this being one of the hot topics on a blog for Aljazeera as if muslims have no other problem but the popes shoe, and he he disgraced and insulted muslims, funny how muslims see what they want to see, for them to burn 1000 churches in Indonesia, set fire to 30 churches in Lebanon and Iraq, torch 18 churches in Nigeria, attacks on churches in Egypt, disgracing christian holly sites in palestine, as far as urinating inside some of the churches, and just yesterday a car bomb exploded in front of one of the churches in Egypt, most likely a response to the pope entering the mosque with his shoes,and now muslims are so concerned if the pope entered the mosque with his shoes.
This muslim selective memory as they forget all their insults to christian churches and holly sites but God forbid a pope walking in a mosque with a shoe.
where is the logic and where is the common sense.
above photo from the pope visit to Jordan yesterday Sunday.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Salute to president Barack Hussien Obama
There no secret and no shame, but i am proud to say that i do support, respect , admire and appreciate this educated and smart man our president Barack Hussien Obama, what makes this man more special is that he made a good decision and decided to follow the right faith as he became Christian and decided to abandon the cult of islam, he made it clear that he is christian and worships Jesus, I did not mean to burst the bubble of muslims ,and stop their celebration and rejoicing , I also hate to disappoint those who spread rumors of him being a muslim for hidden agendas and political reasons and gain.
I will share few statements or facts by president Obama that will help everyone understand what choices this Harvard graduate made for his faith.
* I am a proud Christian who believes deeply in Jesus Christ. (Jan 2008)
* Madrassa myth perpetuated by false email & fabricated story. (Oct 2007)
* Active in the Trinity faith community. (Aug 2007)
* Carries Bible on campaign trail, & refers to it weekly. (Aug 2007)
* Embrace Christ as an ally. (Mar 2007)
* Baptized as an adult in the Trinity United Church of Christ. (Oct 2006)
I am sure above statements and facts will clear any confusion about his faith and religion and I tell muslims the party is over, this man made the right choices which he deserves all the respect for. So dont count on him being your savior, he will still crack down and crush your fanatics,extremists, radicals, terrorists, and islamists.
Obama is a follower of Jesus, and he made it clear, call him apostate, or ex muslim, bottom line he is no muslim and a he is a Christian. and if he extended his arm to make peace with the enemies that is no weakness on his part, he is simply following the example of Jesus ,Jesus forgave his enemies and he turned the other cheek, but u can be assured that Obama will chop any hand of any muslim radical, fanatic, extremist or terrorist that dares even to think of inflicting harm to the USA, his country and his people. I have all the confidence and i believe in this man that he will not be easy on anyone who has bad intentions for this country.
One more thing to prove Obama is christian, in his recent visit and address to Notre Dame University , president Obama in his speech / address to student he referenced and quoted passages from the bible at least 8 times.
I tell those who doubt him and those who bash him and trash him for hidden and political agendas,the day will come when you are proven wrong and you will regret your unjustified attack on this man.
Closing comments, to all my friends, please have hope in this man, stand by him, he is doing what right for American and the American people. and final word for Muslims, its time to wake up and smell the coffee this man is an ex muslim / apostate and he is a proud Christian that follows Jesus Christ, he is also a proud American, and he will do his best to defend and protect the USA and rest assured that he will be after all the radicals,fanatics, extremists , Islamists and terrorist.
A Salute to Mr. president Barack Hussien Obama
God Bless The USA.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Jafar challenged Islam and broke the code of silence
What does it mean to have the courage to question islam
How can you be freed from islam?
What does it take to be an apostate? what are the risks? do you risk your life?
are muslims afraid to question islam?
In order to answer all these question,read below true good story of a friend, my friend Jafar has gone through this , read below and see how this brave and smart man changed his life:
Couple years ago I met young smart gentleman named Jaafar (and that is his real name and i decided to use it because he is not afraid, jaafar faced death and survived and he has full trust and faith that jesus will protect him) , this true story goes back to jaafars childhood as he comes from a muslim jordanian family, but jaafar was not the typical muslim young boy (blind and brainwashed and not allowed to question islam,quran and mohammad) he was totally opposite, he questioned quran at every opportunity and he even questioned his teachers who were puzzled and were unable to provide answers, his teachers were disturbed with his behavior and they got so annoyed that they decided to inform his dad,jafar's dad was furious and he threatened jaafar but those threats only made jaafar more determined on finding the truth.
After Jaafar finished his high school he came to the USA to enroll in college , but Jaafar was still struggling with Islam and the quran, he read it over and over and every time he read it he became more confused and more doubtful, one day he was roaming the streets in an Arab neighborhood and he noticed a sign for some Jordanian club or social organization so he walked in, it happened to be a christian organization and they had a bible study, so jaafar asked if he can sit and listen and they welcomed him, jaafar was interested and he asked if he can borrow a bible, and they gave him one, Jaafar took the bible and he was reading it all day and all night, and he felt comfortable and he felt peace within and he was more relaxed, yet he was still asking god to give him a sign of what is the correct religion islam or Christianity ,Mohammad or Jesus?
One day jaafar was looking at the sky and was asking god to give him a sign, he was crying and he was very sincere and all of the sudden he could see a man in the sky between the clouds that looked like jesus with his arms open and guiding him and he could hear him that he was the real God , jaafar almost fell on the ground, but he still had a special feeling that he never felt in his life, from that moment ,jaafar rushed to the Jordanian christian center and met with the pastor and asked to be baptized. So the pastor granted jaafar his wish and from that day Jaafar announced to the world that he was christian, in the summer time jaafar decided to go visit his family in Jordan, so he went there and he was excited about what he had done and wanted to share his happiness with them, but his happiness was a nightmare for the family, his dad was angry, and he kicked him out of the house
Not knowing what to do and where to go, then he remembered that they had christian neighbors so he resorted to them and explained to them what happened, so they took him in and welcomed him in their house, the next day jaafar decided to go to the center / downtown and he picked one of the worst locations and it was close to a mosque and he stood there and started talking about Jesus, people gathered around him listening to what he had to say, so he kept going and going preaching, the next day he went there again and tried to do the same but the secret agents were waiting for him, so they arrested him and took him to the police dept downtown, where he met with the Sargent and told him his story, the Sargent was confused as he never had a case like that and did not know what to do with him, so he transferred him to the police HQ
At HQ he started with the sargent who did not know what to do with him and he sent him to the Colonel who also was clueless on what to do with him until he reached the top guy THE GENERAL , the man in charge, so he tried to scare him, intimidate him, threaten him, but nothing worked jaafar would not budge and insisted on his story, so the General got frustrated and he ordered the officers to send him to jail and to immediately transfer to the legal system / court so he can be executed by hanging, jaafar was so happy with the decision and as he was taken to the jail smiling and laughing the guards were asking him are you crazy, do you know that you will die? Jaafar said yes and that makes me happy because i will die for Jesus and the entire world will hear about it.
As jaafar was admitted to jail, he went in cheery and happy so the prisoners gathered around him and asked him about his crime and he told them he was preaching jesus , so some though he was crazy and some thought he should be able to worship whoever he wants and some were listening and some were angry that a riot almost broke at the jail, some with him and some against him, so the prisoners were split half with and half against , and it got too loud that the jail guards had to interfere, Then realized that Jaafar was going to cause a huge riot unless something is done, so they tried to calm things down till the morning when Jaafar was taken out and sent to the courthouse to start his conviction of apostate and possible execution by hanging, Jaafar had no fear and he felt jesus was walking with him and protecting him. he was all happy ,content and cheery and calm. he said he never felt calmer.
At the hearing, they wanted to give him a chance ,they invited imams from the mosques who tried to talk to him, and many muslim clerics ,and that did not work, so they postponed the hearing and re-schedule for the next day, and they brought more top guns and they tried to challenge him with questions on the trinity and this and that,jaafar had an answer for everything, they got really puzzled, jaafar did not know where these answers were coming from but he had all the right answers, the court decided to postpone again and call his family and more top guns, since 3 days had passed and he never returned to the christian family they became concerned ,alarmed since they did not hear from him, ,and they thought something must have happened to him, and they happened to receive a visitor who was a top ranked officer in the Jordanian military who also happened to be christian, so they asked for his help in locating jaafar
So he agreed to help and he started making his phone calls , and finally he found out where jaafar was , so he rushed to the jail where jaafar was held, and he made few calls to some of his colleagues and he managed to get jaafar a release to his custody, jaafar was so disappointed as he wanted to die by hanging, that was his wish, but then this man was sent to save and rescue jaafar, the story did not end here as there was still court hearings, so on the final day of hearing ,a huge storm passed through and flooded everything, but jaafar made it to court, however all the clerics and his father and many others did not show up, so the judge made a ruling to free jaafar immediately and dismiss all charges
Jaafar was disappointed again, but i am sure the lord / the savior Jesus, was present all along and he made all these arrangements and he sent this (angel) Christian high ranked officer to be his saviors, as jesus still had a need and a role for jaafar, and it was not time for jaafar to join the lord yet.. Jaafar came back to the states and he joined a seminary school and he studied christian theology and graduated and earned his degree and became a priest /pastor, he now has his own church and he was very active in converting muslims from many countries (Iraq,Yeman,Morroco,Tunnis,Algeria,Palestine,Syria) , one time I decided to go listen to his preaching, funny how i saw a veiled lady sitting in the church listening to him, i guess she was the next person he was about to convert. Jaafar is a very sharp person, he makes me proud, I know everyone respect him.I hope u enjoyed this true story.Can someone tell me the moral of this story?
let me share with u my take on this story and share the moral of the story on "Jaafar challenged islam and broke the code of silence", I can say this story has moralS with an S , not one but many, some of you focused on Jesus and how he would not let down people that believe in him, thats good but thats not where I was going with the story, my focus is always Islam, and the moral was given in the title "BROKE THE CODE OF SILENCE", thats my message to muslims, do not be afraid, do not be blind, do not be brainwashed, ask, break that code of silence , u will be OK, Jaafar was a brave person, he challenged and broke the code and he survived, yes he was close to death but he was saved, but the question is how many muslims will dare and have that courage to question Islam and break that code of Silence?
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These short poems by Robin Hood can only express how I feel about this brave and smart lady Dr. Wafa Sultan, yes they are short but they say a lot, and we all know Dr. Sultan is worthy of these words, in fact she even deserve more.
I loved these poems so much that I had to post here on my blog.
Thank you Robin Hood, keep those poems coming((( يا سلطانة الوفاء )))
يا أيتها الدواء و يا نقية الهواء
يا نجمة السماء و يا رائدة الفضاء
يا شمعة الضياء و يا مودة الصفاء
يا قلم العطاء و يا أمل النساء
يا نجمة المساء و يا سلطانة الوفاء
أنت شمعة * لدروبي المظلمة
أنت ميناء * لسفينتي المحطمة
أنت بلسم * لأحزاني المؤلمة
أنت مدرسة * بمعنى الكلمة
أنت منارة لكل مسلم ومسلمة
روبن هود
لماذا لم تظهري من زمان
لأنك تعرفي قيمة الأنسان
أين كنت من زمان
أنت كل الحب والحنان
كلماتك لنا هي الأمان
أين كنت من زمان
نهدي لك وردة من كل بستان
نحن كلنا جنودك الشجعان
أين كنت من زمان
يا محبوبة كل الأوطان
مصر عراق سورية و عمان
قلمك يمحي كل الأحزان
أين كنت من زمان
يا وفاء يا بنت السلطان
* روبن هود *