بشرى سارة بخصوص موقع دكتورة وفاء سلطان - دوري

عاد موقع الدكتورة وفاء بيمن الله ورعايته للنشر ومزاولة النشاط ندعوا الجميع للعودة وزيارة الموقع

تابعوا قصة سجينة الفتاة السعودية

قصتي مع فتاة سعودية
قصة حقيقية ومن الواقع وتجسد معاناة المرأة السعودية
تم نشر القصة
صرخة فتاة سعودية ونداء استغاثة من داخل المملكة
"اخرجوني من هذا الجحيم"
اهداء لاصدقائي بموقع دوري

My new mission for 2011 from within, from within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia the birthplace of Mohammad.
"Zaina" A Saudi young lady shares her ordeal , agony and misery under the Islamic rule while living in Saudi Arabia , a prisoner and hostage in her own country and home. a sad but true story,,,

Jehad Alawneh interview on ITF web site

Dear Friends, ladies and gents, please visit the ITF web site, and please read and comment on Jehad Alawneh interview, its very easy to comment, at the bottom of the interview, there is a box, enter your name and any comment, u do not need to be a member, u do not need to sign up and we do not require your e mail. very simple, please give us your feedback, the interview is excellent and is worthy of reading and commenting. please use this link:

تابعو مقابلة الكاتب الاردني جهاد العلاونه

تم نشر المقابلة باللغة العربية والانجليزية
Don't miss the interview with the Jordanian writer Jihad Alawneh published below

Todays message

اهلاً وسهلاُ بجميع الأصدقاء والصديقات ويشرفني وارحب بزوار الموقع من موقع الدكتورة وفاء سلطان وتلفزيون دوري واخص بالذكر الكاتب الاردني جهاد علاونه ,الكاتب السوري نضال نعيسة والكاتب العراقي والشاعر رياض الحبيّب الصديق مجد وهالة سامية و علياء و مريم
و الزعيم ابن الطبيعة و زياد وجيمس و جانيت والحج روندي والدكتور نبيل بارون والأصدقاء من موقع الحوار المتمدن واخص بالذكر فواز محمد .
قررت اضافة مواضيع باللغة العربية الى المواضيع المكتوبة باللغة الانجليزية لافساح المجال واعطاء الفرصة لعدد اكبر من الزوار خصوصاٌ للأصدقاء من الوطن العربي ومتكلمين اللغة العربية من المشاركة والأطلاع والتعليق اذا شاؤوا أهلاً وسهلاً بالجميع.
Welcome to all my friends and guests especially my visitors from the ITF web site, please feel free to participate and comment on any topic. I have decided to expand and include some topics in Arabic to allow for others especially from the muslim world to participate and in order for the message to reach as many people as possible

Dedication and Words of Wisdom:

To my dear friends, welcome to my blog. This blog is a dedication to my brothers , sisters and good friends at the ITF, ASK, and Ummat-Al-Kuffar ,Dawry TV., alhiwar almoutamaden.
تلفزيون دوري والأصدقاء من موقع الحوار

please visit them on below links.

Please take the time to read the topics I posted below, feel free to comment.

To my dear muslim friends, you are also welcome here, this is not a hate site nor it is an anti Islam propaganda and it is not an Islamophobes hangout. please feel free to comment and participate in debate,dialog and discussions .

Final message, lets all work together in making this world a better and safer place, and lets keep those islamists, radicals ,fanatics and terrorists in check, and lets hope that we will live in peace and harmony.

Infidels Task Force - ITF



Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sudan women 'lashed for pants"

Several Sudanese women have been flogged as a punishment for dressing "indecently", according to a local journalist who was arrested with them.

Lubna Ahmed al-Hussein, who says she is facing 40 lashes, said she and 12 other women wearing trousers were arrested in a restaurant in the capital, Khartoum.

She told the BBC several of the women had pleaded guilty to the charges and had 10 lashes immediately.

Khartoum, unlike South Sudan, is governed by Sharia law.

Several of those punished were from the mainly Christian and animist south, Ms Hussein said.

Non-Muslims are not supposed to be subject to Islamic law, even in Khartoum and other parts of the mainly Muslim north.

She said that a group of about 20 or 30 police officers entered the popular Khartoum restaurant and arrested all the women wearing pants / trousers.

"I was wearing pants / trousers and a blouse and the 10 girls who were lashed were wearing like me, there was no difference," she told the BBC's Arabic service.

Ms Hussein said some women pleaded guilty to "get it over with" but others, including herself, chose to speak to their lawyers and are awaiting their fates.

Under Sharia law in Khartoum, the normal punishment for "indecent" dressing is 40 lashes.

Ms Hussein is a well-known reporter who writes a weekly column called Men Talk for Sudanese papers. She also works for the United Nations Mission in Sudan.

Again the religion of peace is showing how islam treats women. after all the quran allowed beating of women, Islam is taking women on a trip back to the 7th century.
This is also a taste of what women have to deal with if sharia law is applied on muslims and none muslims.
for how long would women tolerate the abuse of islam and the sharia?

for those that speak Arabic, enjoy the video >>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPl6jDz4vW0

I welcome the replies.


  1. Non-Muslims are not supposed to be subject to Islamic law, even in Khartoum and other parts of the mainly Muslim north."

    THERE!! That sentence says it all!!

    Once Shariah law takes hold...it isn't going to matter of your muslim or not.
    This is outrageous!!

    Nabil, great post!! Follow up on Shariah law in other countries. Anyone who believes it is only for muslims, is deluding themselves.

  2. Hi Nabil
    Whats NEXT from this 'nightmare' faith.
    Saudi Arabia, the sacred land of Islamic devotion, is the best place for evaluating the status of women in Islam, where Islamic holy laws—the Sharia, which should ideally guide Islamic societies for eternity—are implemented most rigorously amongst Islamic countries. The Saudi Basic Law says:

    •General Principle, Article 1: “The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a sovereign Arab Islamic state; its religion is Islam; and its constitution is the Holy Quran and Prophet’s Sunnah (traditions)”
    •System of Government, Article 7: “Government derives its power from the Holy Quran and the Prophet’s Sunnah”
    •Rights and Duties, Article 23: “The state protects the Islamic and caters to the application of Shari’ah; it enjoins good and forbid evil and undertakes the duty of call to Islam.”
    Welcome to the Islamic heartland of Saudi Arabia: it’s a man’s world. Free Western women are truly “uncovered meat” here. Here, women almost invariably invite rapes; it’s rarely a fault of men, the rapists.

    The Quran, which contains the unchanged words of the Islamic God (Allah) to guide the Muslim life and society for eternity, commands the “wives and daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad). That will be better, so that they may be recognized and not annoyed” [Q 33:59].

    This is the last verse revealed by Allah to finalize the dress-code for Muslim women when they go out. It made veiling an obligatory eternal law of Allah. Women must be responsible and veil themselves not to attract molestation by men.

    Well the is a easy way out, leave ISLAM, but will that mean, ones 'life' will be in immediate danger of being killed!!.

    Looks like there is no way out for Muslim, but to live and die as one.

    Nabil make sure no muslims are allow in MARS if or when we set our foot there. A MUSLIM FREE world is a PEACEFUL HEAVEN.


  3. thank u all for your feedback and support.
    hey George since muslims were the leaders of the space and technology, they may get to mars before anyone else ( in their dreams) as our friend muslim4allah states they were the pioneers in space and they were in discussions for the past 1400 yrs, hey whatever if they can make a space ship to take them all to mars one way, that would not be a bad idea either.lol
