yes its that time of the year again when muslims try to fool Allah / God and Play tricks on him, this is the month when muslim hypocrisy is at its peak and its in full force. some may ask me on what basis did I make this conclusion or judgment and I can easily support my claim by observing muslims behavior, as many during this month will refrain from drinking and try to put on a new face in hope of getting forgiveness for the previous 11 months of sins , and i say that based on many of my friends and as this month start its like a complete change although I know it would not last for too long and the month will be over sooner than later, but it really disturbs me as i see these hypocrites trying to fool God.
Yes my GF cracked me up when she shared a story of one of her friend whom i consider real wild and a party girl that drinks and smokes weed, ...etc. , so she tells me that she stopped for Ramadan. so it seems that muslims think they are allowed to sin for 11 months and then in ramadan they can fast and all their sins will be wiped out !!!
Honestly , I wished muslims would stop the evil and the terror and the violence and the killing and the hate and they would not need to fast for Ramadan. I think what goes in your mouth and your stomach is trivial and has no impact on others however, violence, terror and killing and evil acts and inflicting harm on others are by far more dangerous and more serious as they impact others .
I wonder when muslims will set their priorities right and start a genuine change in behavior and I can assure them that they would not have to fast ramadan and they would not have to fool God.
Ha ha this reminds me of a story i read up on a month or so ago based in jakarta indonesia where all the prostitutes were working overtime right after ramadan ended to make up some of their lost earnings! LOL
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ReplyDeleteYou are talking about a handful of idiots that you happen to know. As they say "birds of feather flock together" Go pick a bunch of catholics, or jews or whatever other religion that you are yourself and you will find bad in all. Go get educated, stop your dope smoking and stop posting useless offensive shit on the net you idiot because you happen to know a friend of a friend of a friend who fasts during ramadan and smokes weed.I have a friend of a friend of a friend who knows a priest who molests little boys with his bible. Yet i'm not posting about how bad catholics are and how they go to confession every week thinking it will rid them of there sins. "Hey ill just go and rape, murder or kill someone and go confess in a little box and all should be fine" Isnt't that hypocrisy??? Whats the difference??? Point is that it is a small minority ruining each and edvery religion, Most people regardless of religion are good people. There is good and bad in all. What religion are you? Because you claim not to be spreading anti islam propoganda yet there is no other religion mentioned. I can give you examples of hate, killings and "terror" in all religions. So get a life you red kneck and stop following the foot steps of your great president George Bush. No other country elects a alcoholic and cocaine addict who claims to be "born again" except in America, you must be so proud of your country. Hypocrisy much?!?