This vid by CNN was amazing, I can not express my anger when I saw the vid, these bastards, coverts to islam are saying they are commanded by allah to terrorize, they have the nerve to say they "Love OBL" they hate the USA , wants it defeated, hate Obama, hate Israel wants it wiped off the map, yet they live here in the USA and the FBI and the police can not lock them up.
They in fact praised Sept 11, and the Fort Hood shooter, if you want to raise your blood pressure, I suggest you watch the vid, I added in the vid section of the sidebar. This is what we have to live with, these are the converts I always talk about, yes they are a danger to the country and to the world and to peace.
the question is what can we do to stop them, this is sick, it really makes me mad to see them on our streets promoting hate and violence and terror, praising terrorists like OBL and Nidal Hasan, where are we going?
I say the hell with freedom, these terrorists must be locked up.
This video should be the wake up call to everyone, no time to sleep, and you can not be a slacker, this vid tells the true story of islam and what its all about, more evidence, of how the religion of peace spreads its message. what more can we ask for? the danger and the threat we are facing.
what can we do about it, what are we going to do, sit back and watch? should we let them take over? should we allow them to roam our streets and terrorize us? should we allow them to kill our kids?
Any ideas, please give your feedback, how we handle these converts and terrorists?
Please share the Vid, please invite your friends to the ITF web.
We need more activity here, we need to see our muslim friends here, since the ones that used to come here ran away.
Please promote this site on YT and invite people to come here. we can always debate here, so lets give it a push.
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