بشرى سارة بخصوص موقع دكتورة وفاء سلطان - دوري

عاد موقع الدكتورة وفاء بيمن الله ورعايته للنشر ومزاولة النشاط ندعوا الجميع للعودة وزيارة الموقع

تابعوا قصة سجينة الفتاة السعودية

قصتي مع فتاة سعودية
قصة حقيقية ومن الواقع وتجسد معاناة المرأة السعودية
تم نشر القصة
صرخة فتاة سعودية ونداء استغاثة من داخل المملكة
"اخرجوني من هذا الجحيم"
اهداء لاصدقائي بموقع دوري

My new mission for 2011 from within, from within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia the birthplace of Mohammad.
"Zaina" A Saudi young lady shares her ordeal , agony and misery under the Islamic rule while living in Saudi Arabia , a prisoner and hostage in her own country and home. a sad but true story,,,

Jehad Alawneh interview on ITF web site

Dear Friends, ladies and gents, please visit the ITF web site, and please read and comment on Jehad Alawneh interview, its very easy to comment, at the bottom of the interview, there is a box, enter your name and any comment, u do not need to be a member, u do not need to sign up and we do not require your e mail. very simple, please give us your feedback, the interview is excellent and is worthy of reading and commenting. please use this link:

تابعو مقابلة الكاتب الاردني جهاد العلاونه

تم نشر المقابلة باللغة العربية والانجليزية
Don't miss the interview with the Jordanian writer Jihad Alawneh published below

Todays message

اهلاً وسهلاُ بجميع الأصدقاء والصديقات ويشرفني وارحب بزوار الموقع من موقع الدكتورة وفاء سلطان وتلفزيون دوري واخص بالذكر الكاتب الاردني جهاد علاونه ,الكاتب السوري نضال نعيسة والكاتب العراقي والشاعر رياض الحبيّب الصديق مجد وهالة سامية و علياء و مريم
و الزعيم ابن الطبيعة و زياد وجيمس و جانيت والحج روندي والدكتور نبيل بارون والأصدقاء من موقع الحوار المتمدن واخص بالذكر فواز محمد .
قررت اضافة مواضيع باللغة العربية الى المواضيع المكتوبة باللغة الانجليزية لافساح المجال واعطاء الفرصة لعدد اكبر من الزوار خصوصاٌ للأصدقاء من الوطن العربي ومتكلمين اللغة العربية من المشاركة والأطلاع والتعليق اذا شاؤوا أهلاً وسهلاً بالجميع.
Welcome to all my friends and guests especially my visitors from the ITF web site, please feel free to participate and comment on any topic. I have decided to expand and include some topics in Arabic to allow for others especially from the muslim world to participate and in order for the message to reach as many people as possible

Dedication and Words of Wisdom:

To my dear friends, welcome to my blog. This blog is a dedication to my brothers , sisters and good friends at the ITF, ASK, and Ummat-Al-Kuffar ,Dawry TV., alhiwar almoutamaden.
تلفزيون دوري والأصدقاء من موقع الحوار

please visit them on below links.

Please take the time to read the topics I posted below, feel free to comment.

To my dear muslim friends, you are also welcome here, this is not a hate site nor it is an anti Islam propaganda and it is not an Islamophobes hangout. please feel free to comment and participate in debate,dialog and discussions .

Final message, lets all work together in making this world a better and safer place, and lets keep those islamists, radicals ,fanatics and terrorists in check, and lets hope that we will live in peace and harmony.

Infidels Task Force - ITF



Saturday, January 24, 2009

what makes the US a great nation and by far more superior compared to the muslim world

In this article I will touch on many of the great achievements of this great nation the "USA" and in all aspects of life from technology, to industry to education, to culture to inventions to sports to art,to,to, too many to count. but what really makes the USA a great nation and far more superior compared with the muslim world is the human side and the humanity that America contributes to the entire world including the muslim world, many if not all muslims will disagree with the statement simply because we are involved in 2 wars , because they refuse to accept the fact that we are fighting, radicals and fanatics and extremists that are also terrorists and are a threat to all of us. muslims refuse to see the human side of the USA and in how it deals with world catastrophe' and disasters ,famine, hunger, and how we are so protective of children and their rights and abused women and women rights, we deal with the handicapped and sick, how we deal with disease control and epidemics , no one can deny that the USA is the first to help in all these areas , and just to make my point and from my daily observations of how Americans behave , I always stop at this fast food chain, i get greeted by the cashier who is handicap and in a wheelchair with a smile, i go to my table and a this special needs lady brings my food with a smile, then another is cleaning the tables, they are all working and they have a value and they all feel like being part of the society, i just also see how kind the customers are when they hand them tip,people are so compassionate to them and they encourage them and make them feel that they are valuable and important.

now if we look at the muslim world, how they care less for the handicap, and push them aside and make fun of them as one of YT muslims radicals by the name of angelina proved it when she made fun of autistic people , as muslims use the handicap and mentally challenged in suicide bombings, this is one of many proofs that muslims have nothing to do with humanity, There is not a single day that goes by and we dont hear of violent attacks ,suicide bombings, some by children, we also hear how women are abused, and how children rights are violated, a child bride.
Now we ask what are the rich muslim countries like saudi Arabia, Iran,Kuwait and others doing for their people , and the answer is not much, muslim countries do not help in feeding the hungry even of their own, they wait for the USA to feed them, many are stricken with diseases like in Somalia and Sudan and many poor muslim countries and they wait for the USA to treat them. its sad but true. one example and its a substantiated statistic is that the USA and Europe contribute 96% of the muslim Palestinians needs as far as food while the rich Arab and muslim countries contribute 4%. Even after this last war on Gaza, the USA contributed $20 million to the Palestinians , and after the Hizballah war with Israel in 2006 , the USA donated $5 Billion to Lebanon.
Also the USA helps feed the Egyptians as the US supplies Egypt 4 million tons of wheat annually, mostly under various aid programs, in addition to $28 Billion in aid.
and we all remember the Tsunami that hit many muslim countries in East and South east Asia from Indonesia to Malaysia where the USA contributed more than any other nation including the rich muslim countries.

In conclusion, the USA is a great nation , humanity is #1 and that's what makes us special and far more superior compared to the muslim world that lacks in every aspect of life, from technology,to education to civilization, to human rights, women rights, children rights, to industry, to culture to art,to sport,...etc. human has no value and compassion does not exist. no value for life, no value for humanity. muslims would argue with u all day and all night to prove the opposite, u throw at them all these facts and they still live in denial, and what makes it even worse, is the fact that they defend the terrorists and the radicals and they justify their barbaric behavior. Bottom line is as long as humanity is absent and not part of the muslim world , muslims will continue to behave the way they do, and they will always be at the bottom, and behind the rest of the world and way too far from civilization.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree that muslims would argue with you about the superiority of the US. Even though Muslim countries produce nothing but children whom they fill with hatred, and even though muslims help no one but themselves, they claim to be superior to everyone. They have no idea what being a Human being means. They think islam makes them superior, but in fact what islam does is remove their humanity and turn them into barbarians who have no regard for life in any form. But they never seem to realize that their actions are savage assaults against the very Creator whom they claim to love.

    Having lived next door to the US all my life and having visited there many times, I can attest to everything you say. Canada is the same in its beliefs and in world aid, though to a lesser degree because we are 1/10 the size of the US. Canadian soldiers are fighting in Afghanistan to free that country from the oppression of the Taliban, a misogynistic islamic regime. As a Canadian taxpayer, I'm paying for that and I can't think of a better use for my tax dollars. I will gladly pay to free the world from the oppression of islam.

    I saw a muslim woman on TV during the 2006 tsunami. She was crying and saying, "America must help us!" Now, I have to ask myself, why wasn't she crying, "Saudi Arabia must help us!". It's because she knew perfectly well that no help would be forthcoming from Saudi so she wasn't going to waste her breath. She knew the only help any disaster victims ever get comes from Christian countries, and mainly from North America.

    Saudi Arabia is an extremely rich country yet it does nothing to help its poor, disabled or sick. What does it do with all that money? Finance Madrassas, mosques and terror groups around the world to spread the plague of islam.

    I am proud to be a friend and ally of America, the freest nation on Earth.
