بشرى سارة بخصوص موقع دكتورة وفاء سلطان - دوري

عاد موقع الدكتورة وفاء بيمن الله ورعايته للنشر ومزاولة النشاط ندعوا الجميع للعودة وزيارة الموقع

تابعوا قصة سجينة الفتاة السعودية

قصتي مع فتاة سعودية
قصة حقيقية ومن الواقع وتجسد معاناة المرأة السعودية
تم نشر القصة
صرخة فتاة سعودية ونداء استغاثة من داخل المملكة
"اخرجوني من هذا الجحيم"
اهداء لاصدقائي بموقع دوري

My new mission for 2011 from within, from within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia the birthplace of Mohammad.
"Zaina" A Saudi young lady shares her ordeal , agony and misery under the Islamic rule while living in Saudi Arabia , a prisoner and hostage in her own country and home. a sad but true story,,,

Jehad Alawneh interview on ITF web site

Dear Friends, ladies and gents, please visit the ITF web site, and please read and comment on Jehad Alawneh interview, its very easy to comment, at the bottom of the interview, there is a box, enter your name and any comment, u do not need to be a member, u do not need to sign up and we do not require your e mail. very simple, please give us your feedback, the interview is excellent and is worthy of reading and commenting. please use this link:

تابعو مقابلة الكاتب الاردني جهاد العلاونه

تم نشر المقابلة باللغة العربية والانجليزية
Don't miss the interview with the Jordanian writer Jihad Alawneh published below

Todays message

اهلاً وسهلاُ بجميع الأصدقاء والصديقات ويشرفني وارحب بزوار الموقع من موقع الدكتورة وفاء سلطان وتلفزيون دوري واخص بالذكر الكاتب الاردني جهاد علاونه ,الكاتب السوري نضال نعيسة والكاتب العراقي والشاعر رياض الحبيّب الصديق مجد وهالة سامية و علياء و مريم
و الزعيم ابن الطبيعة و زياد وجيمس و جانيت والحج روندي والدكتور نبيل بارون والأصدقاء من موقع الحوار المتمدن واخص بالذكر فواز محمد .
قررت اضافة مواضيع باللغة العربية الى المواضيع المكتوبة باللغة الانجليزية لافساح المجال واعطاء الفرصة لعدد اكبر من الزوار خصوصاٌ للأصدقاء من الوطن العربي ومتكلمين اللغة العربية من المشاركة والأطلاع والتعليق اذا شاؤوا أهلاً وسهلاً بالجميع.
Welcome to all my friends and guests especially my visitors from the ITF web site, please feel free to participate and comment on any topic. I have decided to expand and include some topics in Arabic to allow for others especially from the muslim world to participate and in order for the message to reach as many people as possible

Dedication and Words of Wisdom:

To my dear friends, welcome to my blog. This blog is a dedication to my brothers , sisters and good friends at the ITF, ASK, and Ummat-Al-Kuffar ,Dawry TV., alhiwar almoutamaden.
تلفزيون دوري والأصدقاء من موقع الحوار

please visit them on below links.

Please take the time to read the topics I posted below, feel free to comment.

To my dear muslim friends, you are also welcome here, this is not a hate site nor it is an anti Islam propaganda and it is not an Islamophobes hangout. please feel free to comment and participate in debate,dialog and discussions .

Final message, lets all work together in making this world a better and safer place, and lets keep those islamists, radicals ,fanatics and terrorists in check, and lets hope that we will live in peace and harmony.

Infidels Task Force - ITF



Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sep 11 conspiracy - just ask "ASK" and the ITF

Its no secret that Muslims are always in search for excuses and anything to justify or blame others for any wrong doing by muslims , and what was more convenient than the Sept 11 conspiracy theory that muslims jumped on and adopted so quickly. anything to get them off the hook and the spot light, well thanks to couple idiots that made couple clips promoting the conspiracy theory , and now every muslim is an expert on this conspiracy , now they are all experts and structural engineers and they can analyze and they can tell you the building collapsed from explosives planted , then u here the Jews did it and some 5,000 jews did not go to work that day.

In the comments related to this post, the ASK members will post all evidence to refute this conspiracy theory, we will present all the evidence to show the muslims have done this terror act, and for those that promote the conspiracy theory , u r welcome to present your fairy tales as well , we will be glad to expose u and set u straight.

I invite the ITF members and friends to present every piece of evidence they have. so lets start rolling.

I am going to start off here with few things that refute the conspiracy theory:

1-The Video by Osama ben Laden taking responsibility of Sep 11

2-the video surveillance at the airports of the 19 hijackers.

3-The letters and materials found in the hijackers homes

4-The arrested 20's hijacker zakaria Mousawi the Morrocan and his confession

5-The arrest of the Mastermind of September 11 terror attacks , Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -

6- The phone calls between passengers and their relatives on the ground that confirmed what was going on on the flights.

7-The fact that many of the hijackers were enrolled in flight school and were in training to become pilots, like Mohammad Atta the Egyptian and Ziad Jarah the Lebanese, who were also seen on videos training with alqaida and Osama Bin Laden.

8- Even Omar Ben laden, son of Osama Ben ladden is confirming his fathers responsibility of Sept 11 attacks, watch vid on YT (sorry its in Italian and Arabic) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEV5lVHKJCE

and the list goes on .....

now I invite the ASK and ITF teams to keep building on this list.then we will formally post this evidence on this blog for our muslim friends to come here and get educated on Sept 11, and so they can forget this conspiracy fairy tale.

welcome the new ASK team.
see new video by ASK and The Infidels Mosques- top video on right Excellent and MUST SEE >>>

1 comment:

  1. Excellent topic Nabil

    Muslims seem incapable of facing the reality of their co-brothers culpability. The reason for that denial is both simple and foreboding, and is based firmly in Islamic doctrine and mindsets. As such, whatever goes wrong, simply has to be the fault of KUFFAR. To believe otherwise shakes the very foundation of an individuals Islamic identity. If you take away a Muslims sense of superiority, there is usually very little left (in terms of family, culture, or economic quality of life) to support the poor creature. To a good Muslim completely lost in Islam, there is nothing else to fall back on, because such an individual has already broken all ties in his efforts to win carnal paradise in Islamic heaven with 72 virgins, boys like pearls, gluttony, and endless mansions and riches.
    To add to their boost in rather sad lives, the 9/11 rumors quickly surfaced in the Middle East that thousands of Jews were forewarned and did not go to work at the World Trade Center that morning. Despite the absence of any evidence supporting such outlandish claims, those rumors have now become facts in the minds of vast numbers of Muslims.
    For the sake of both Muslims and non-Muslims alike, we all hope that the Ummah can overcome its own grandiose sense of superiority, which is at the root of a dangerous psychosis evident in rampant denial and the ever growing body of perceived conspiracies. We hope for this because when a madman sees ghosts and lashes out at the creature, it is the physical world which suffers from the blows.
    For Muslims the promise of PARADISE with expanding houris both male and female, river of wine and SEX, from ALLAH, tell me who would want to leave ISLAM!!

