بشرى سارة بخصوص موقع دكتورة وفاء سلطان - دوري

عاد موقع الدكتورة وفاء بيمن الله ورعايته للنشر ومزاولة النشاط ندعوا الجميع للعودة وزيارة الموقع

تابعوا قصة سجينة الفتاة السعودية

قصتي مع فتاة سعودية
قصة حقيقية ومن الواقع وتجسد معاناة المرأة السعودية
تم نشر القصة
صرخة فتاة سعودية ونداء استغاثة من داخل المملكة
"اخرجوني من هذا الجحيم"
اهداء لاصدقائي بموقع دوري

My new mission for 2011 from within, from within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia the birthplace of Mohammad.
"Zaina" A Saudi young lady shares her ordeal , agony and misery under the Islamic rule while living in Saudi Arabia , a prisoner and hostage in her own country and home. a sad but true story,,,

Jehad Alawneh interview on ITF web site

Dear Friends, ladies and gents, please visit the ITF web site, and please read and comment on Jehad Alawneh interview, its very easy to comment, at the bottom of the interview, there is a box, enter your name and any comment, u do not need to be a member, u do not need to sign up and we do not require your e mail. very simple, please give us your feedback, the interview is excellent and is worthy of reading and commenting. please use this link:

تابعو مقابلة الكاتب الاردني جهاد العلاونه

تم نشر المقابلة باللغة العربية والانجليزية
Don't miss the interview with the Jordanian writer Jihad Alawneh published below

Todays message

اهلاً وسهلاُ بجميع الأصدقاء والصديقات ويشرفني وارحب بزوار الموقع من موقع الدكتورة وفاء سلطان وتلفزيون دوري واخص بالذكر الكاتب الاردني جهاد علاونه ,الكاتب السوري نضال نعيسة والكاتب العراقي والشاعر رياض الحبيّب الصديق مجد وهالة سامية و علياء و مريم
و الزعيم ابن الطبيعة و زياد وجيمس و جانيت والحج روندي والدكتور نبيل بارون والأصدقاء من موقع الحوار المتمدن واخص بالذكر فواز محمد .
قررت اضافة مواضيع باللغة العربية الى المواضيع المكتوبة باللغة الانجليزية لافساح المجال واعطاء الفرصة لعدد اكبر من الزوار خصوصاٌ للأصدقاء من الوطن العربي ومتكلمين اللغة العربية من المشاركة والأطلاع والتعليق اذا شاؤوا أهلاً وسهلاً بالجميع.
Welcome to all my friends and guests especially my visitors from the ITF web site, please feel free to participate and comment on any topic. I have decided to expand and include some topics in Arabic to allow for others especially from the muslim world to participate and in order for the message to reach as many people as possible

Dedication and Words of Wisdom:

To my dear friends, welcome to my blog. This blog is a dedication to my brothers , sisters and good friends at the ITF, ASK, and Ummat-Al-Kuffar ,Dawry TV., alhiwar almoutamaden.
تلفزيون دوري والأصدقاء من موقع الحوار

please visit them on below links.

Please take the time to read the topics I posted below, feel free to comment.

To my dear muslim friends, you are also welcome here, this is not a hate site nor it is an anti Islam propaganda and it is not an Islamophobes hangout. please feel free to comment and participate in debate,dialog and discussions .

Final message, lets all work together in making this world a better and safer place, and lets keep those islamists, radicals ,fanatics and terrorists in check, and lets hope that we will live in peace and harmony.

Infidels Task Force - ITF



Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Nigerian Muslim terror plot to blow up a US jet is foiled

He thought he was going to close the year with a big bang,but luckily the only bang this terrorist muslim was able to do ended up burning his own ass. Thank God no one was hurt except the terrorist.

These kind of evil attacks that are targeting civilians and innocent people just show us the hatred these terrorists poses, and how evil they think, they are brainwashed to think they are doing a good deed.

I always question, why would a young person, coming from a wealthy family, and educated commit such evil, and why would he want to kill others. Was he that brainwashed to confuse good vs. evil?

I always try to look for answers and I always come up with one conclusion, the evil cult and the satanic book and the pedophile prophet are the main source of this evil, and then it goes to the second level and thats the people / clerics who incite, brainwash and nourish this hatred in these young people ,making them behave like robots, not thinking and committing terror and evil while being totally convinced they are doing the right thing.

This is not the first and it will not be the last, as long as this religion stays on this path, the path the prophet followed, violence, terror and killing, then we will never have peace.

In the last 30 years or so, we only saw an increase in terror and violence and that came as people started going deeper and deeper into the religion. Its amazing how muslims do not see this trend and they deny it and they insist on having the religion of peace. We can present them with all the evidence and all the facts, yet they will still deny. the are in complete denial. they are all brainwashed and you can not convince them. they are so brainwashed and to the point of no return, most think and behave just like AbdulMutallab, the 23 yr old Nigerian Muslim that boarded the Northwest airline flight 253 and tried to blow it up over Detroit with the explosives he hid in his underpants , luckily the device failed to explode and that spared all these innocent people and now we have one more captured terrorist that will join the others and be sent where he belongs.with the other criminals, terrorists and radicals.

Well this time the plot failed and he only burnt his ass, can anyone guarantee that the next attack, we will be this lucky again? how can we win with these evil monsters, how do we handle them. Whats needs to be done? how much more will the west have to tolerate before something is done? for how long these terrorists will threaten us, and world peace, for how long are we going to allow them to test us and test our patience? its clear that these people want to kill us, no doubt, and this guy made it clear that he wants to do Jihad and they want to defeat the Kafirs / USA.

When will we say the hell with democracy and being considerate? for how long should we allow them to abuse the freedom that they never had in their own countries, when will we start racial profiling and not feel guilty about it? when will we say the heck with being politically correct?

many questions, and need answers, looking for your feedback and support.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Five American Muslims Students Arrested In Pakistan

The five American citizens arrested by Pakistani police during a raid on banned Pakistani terrorist group Jaish-e-Muhammad have told investigators they came to the country to participate in "jihad."

Pakistani police in the town of Sarghona said all five had valid U.S. passports with valid Pakistani visas. They said two of them were Pakistani-born Americans and the others were born in Egypt, Algeria and Ethiopia, respectively.

Among the suspects are Rami Zamam, a Howard University dental student and his Facebook friend Waqar Hassan Khan – both believed to be of Pakistani descent.

According to Pakistani police, more than one of them left behind a farewell video, suggesting they had come to Pakistan for jihad, or holy war.

This entire story unfolded as these young Americans went missing and their family were in search of them, and when the family found some farwell videos suggesting they went for Jihad. The family contacted Nihad Awad, executive director of the Washington, DC-based the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) , and they contacted the FBI and turned over the footage and information about the missing men.

My question is this an attempt of CAIR to clean up its image? are they doing the right thing for the first time? or is it all part of the game?

Regardless, its good to know that 5 possible terrorists were taken off the streets, the sad thing is these are muslims born in the USA young 19-25, some are students and educated, one is becoming a dentist, yet they were brainwashed enough to hate the USA and the west. This is what we have to deal with, as far as muslims in the west, cant be trusted and may turn on us any time.

Thank God to Facebook and YouTube the FBI are digging more dirt on these terrorists.

I welcome the feedback.

Monday, November 23, 2009

wow wow wow "I love OBL" OMG !!!

This vid by CNN was amazing, I can not express my anger when I saw the vid, these bastards, coverts to islam are saying they are commanded by allah to terrorize, they have the nerve to say they "Love OBL" they hate the USA , wants it defeated, hate Obama, hate Israel wants it wiped off the map, yet they live here in the USA and the FBI and the police can not lock them up.

They in fact praised Sept 11, and the Fort Hood shooter, if you want to raise your blood pressure, I suggest you watch the vid, I added in the vid section of the sidebar. This is what we have to live with, these are the converts I always talk about, yes they are a danger to the country and to the world and to peace.

the question is what can we do to stop them, this is sick, it really makes me mad to see them on our streets promoting hate and violence and terror, praising terrorists like OBL and Nidal Hasan, where are we going?

I say the hell with freedom, these terrorists must be locked up.

This video should be the wake up call to everyone, no time to sleep, and you can not be a slacker, this vid tells the true story of islam and what its all about, more evidence, of how the religion of peace spreads its message. what more can we ask for? the danger and the threat we are facing.

what can we do about it, what are we going to do, sit back and watch? should we let them take over? should we allow them to roam our streets and terrorize us? should we allow them to kill our kids?

Any ideas, please give your feedback, how we handle these converts and terrorists?

Please share the Vid, please invite your friends to the ITF web.

We need more activity here, we need to see our muslim friends here, since the ones that used to come here ran away.

Please promote this site on YT and invite people to come here. we can always debate here, so lets give it a push.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What do they have in common?

Look at this picture. what do you see? 8 individuals, can you see a difference? I can, well this picture has 8 individuals, of which 4 are Americans and 4 are of Arab decent, so in reality they are way 2 different except for one thing they share and one thing in common between the 8, and that is they are all Muslims, but before we go any further, and get any deeper , lets introduce these 8 terrorists, well lets start with :

Tark Mehanna Syrian (Boston Terror suspect)
John Allen Mohammad, African American(Washington sniper)responsible for killing 10 people
John Walker Lindh American(The American Taliban)
Mohammad Atta Egyptian (Sept 11 leader) responsible for killing 3,000 + people
Hosam Smadi Jordanian(Dallas bomb suspect)
Michael Fenton American(Springfield bomb / terror suspect)\
Nidal Malik Hasan Palestinian (Fort Hood suspect)responsible for killing 13 soldiers
Daniel Boyd American (North Carolina terror suspect)

After this brief introduction of the 8 terrorists of which 4 are born muslims in an Arab country and the other 4 Americans are converts to Islam. Lets keep in mind that this is a small sample of a much bigger base / group / cult. This is very serious and we should worry and panic, its a big problem, these 8 are in the USA and if we dig deeper, I am sure the # of individuals with the same mentality and living here in the USA is much larger, yes its alarming and yes we need to keep an eye on these islamists, extremists and terrorists, yes they are between us, in our neighborhoods and just down the street from us., yes these were caught before they committed their terror acts but how many are out on the loose, free to mingle around, and be among all of us.

Can anyone guarantee that they will not strike again? can someone guarantee that they will be captured by the FBI and authorities before they commit their evil crimes? the answer is NO, so what do we do to keep them in check? how do we capture them before they strike, how do we stop them before they hurt more innocent people?how do we deal with these converts? these Americans that went astray and joined the evil cult!!how can someone be so brainwashed to hate his country and his people, to want to hurt children and innocent, what kind of evil minds do they have? how can they lose their sanity? I often asked myself, how do they become evil monsters and terrorists? how could a religion push people to become so evil? and why? how could a religion promote violence? can we blame the religion? or fall for the lame excuses muslims always use, and blame the followers? violence was in islam since Islam was started 1400 yrs ago, its nothing new, it started by the prophet himself and it just continued along the same path . Muslims can be in denial, and can turn a blind eye to all the facts, yes they look for excuses and justification, and they always look for someone to blame. We have seen it happen over and over, it only takes an intelligent and brave muslim to speak the truth, people like Dr. Wafa Sultan (read her new book "A God who hates").Ali Sina (Faith Freedom), Ayaan Hirsi Ali (read her book "Infidel"), Mohammad Ghazoli ( read his book "Christ , Mohammad and I") and many others I profiled in some of my blogs.

many questions for sure,but where are the answers?

I welcome the feedback.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Faces of Terror !!!!

I certainly dont want to play shrink, nor do i claim to be an expert on profiling, but one thing got my attention, and I had to point out, I wanted to make a comparison including facial expression of Mohammad Atta the Sep 11 terrorist and the Dallas terrorist Hosam Maher Husein Smadi, and I was so amazed of the similarity, look at the faces, the eyes, what do you see, besides sadness, depression, evil,psychopaths, hate, anger, hopelessness, I can also see a brainwashing that led these young guys to commit what they did or what they intended to do, that brainwashing came as part of a package, a religion that pushes these people over the deep end, makes them miserable , angry, violent, it nourishes the hate inside them and pushes them to commit the evil, terror and the killing, its amazing how these 2 individuals just by analyzing their facial expressions you can conclude so much.

Can you imagine or think how many more young muslims will fit this profile?

I welcome the feedback.

A convert to islam terror plot !!!

Once again, and adding to the list of John Mohammad the Washington snipper and John Walker Lind the American Taliban, Now its Michael Finton known as Talib Islam is the latest to the list of those psychopaths that get attracted to islam. Read the story in detail below:

A would-be terrorist was arrested in Springfield, Illinois, for allegedly attempting to detonate a truck bomb to blow up a federal building and kill its occupants, officials said Thursday.Authorities were waiting Wednesday for Michael Finton, also known as Talib Islam, who unwittingly had been dealing with undercover FBI agents continually monitoring his activities.

Justice Department officials said Finton, 29, of Decatur, Illinois,drove a vehicle he believed contained a ton of explosives to the Paul Findley Federal Building and Courthouse in Springfield. He got out ofthe truck, got into a waiting car with an undercover agent, and then,when he was a few blocks away, attempted to detonate the bomb with aremote-control device.

"When he pushed the button, nothing happened except he got handcuffs slapped on him," said one JusticeDepartment official familiar with the case.

The truck contained inactive explosives.

Authorities said Finton idolized convicted terrorist John Walker Lindh-- an American who was captured fighting for the Taliban in Afghanistan-- and said he wanted to go to a training camp abroad to become ajihadist fighter.

Finton made an initial appearance in court in Springfield on Thursdayto face charges of attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and attempted murder of federal employees, according to Acting U.S.Attorney Jeffrey Lang.

This alleged plot drives home the stark reality that we must avoid complacency and remain ever vigilant to threats that violent extremists may pose to public safety," Lang said. The affidavit provided incourt said Finton had received funds from an individual in Saudi Arabia, which he used for a month-long trip to that country in April and May of 2008.

The sting operation became active in February 2009. Two weeks ago, Finton met with an undercover agent and was told the vehicle he would drive would carry about a ton of explosives. Finton said civilian casualties resulting from the bombing would be justified, according to the affidavit.

Now to our muslim friends, do us a favor and stop bragging about all these converts to islam, its becoming clear that they are losers, mentally disturbed, psychopaths,...etc.

I welcome the feedback,

Busted, a teenager terror plot is foiled

Once again a young muslim teenage Jordanian who was planning to Bomb a Sky scraper in Dallas that housed a Wells Fargo bank was caught , with plenty of evidence of his terror plot, it all started on an internet chat, but the FBI had set up a sting operation where he was given fake explosives, that ended up in his capture, read the story detail below,

DALLAS, Texas (CNN) -- A terror suspect accused of plotting the bombing of a skyscraper in Dallas, Texas, drew authorities' scrutiny because of his violent posts on an extremist chat site, court papers indicate.

The suspect, a 19-year-old Jordanian, was arrested Thursday in a sting operation, the FBI said.

Federal officials said Hosam Maher Husein Smadi, who entered the United States illegally and lived in Texas, tried to set off an explosive attached to a vehicle at the base of the 60-story Fountain Place office tower.

Long before authorities arrested Smadi, however, they were reading his posts on the extremist chat site, according to a court affidavit.

"Smadi was discovered by the FBI within an online group of extremists," the affidavit says. "Among many others in the group who espoused and endorsed violence, Smadi stood out, based on his vehement intention to actually conduct terror attacks in the United State.

Undercover officers then contacted Smadi, posing as members of an al Qaeda sleeper cell. After months of conversations, the agents considered Smadi a legitimate threat.

Smadi picked several targets to attack, including the Dallas-Forth Worth airport, before deciding on the skyscraper, which houses Wells Fargo Bank, the affidavit says. It details a conversation that Smadi allegedly had with authorities:

"I have decided to change the target," he said, according to the affidavit. "God willing, the strike will be certain and strong. It will shake the currently weak economy in the state and the American nation,because this bank is one of the largest banks in the city."

Smadi said many times that he wanted to commit violent jihad and he was a soldier of Osama bin Laden, the affidavit says.

Undercover agents tried to get Smadi to "re-evaluate his interpretation of jihad," saying there were non violent ways to commit the act. But"Smadi again communicated his continuing commitment for violent jihad,"the affidavit says.

After casing the bank in July, Smadi told anundercover agent he would target it, according to authorities.Initially, Smadi told the agent he wanted to bomb the bank on September11, but decided to wait until the Islamic holy month of Ramadan ended on September 20, authorities said.

After receiving what he thought was an explosive from an undercover agent, Smadi drove a car with the fake bomb into a parking garage under the skyscraper,authorities said. Smadi thought he could detonate the bomb by dialing his cell phone.

When he dialed, the number rang a phone in authorities' possession, the affidavit says.

Counter terrorism officials on Thursday arrested Smadi before publicly disclosing a similar but unrelated terrorism sting arrest Wednesday in Springfield, Illinois. A federal law enforcement official familiar with the cases said authorities feared word of the Illinois arrest could tip off the Texas suspect to the sting operation.

Welcome to America.

and I welcome the feedback

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Muslims play tricks on Allah in Ramadan !!!

yes its that time of the year again when muslims try to fool Allah / God and Play tricks on him, this is the month when muslim hypocrisy is at its peak and its in full force. some may ask me on what basis did I make this conclusion or judgment and I can easily support my claim by observing muslims behavior, as many during this month will refrain from drinking and try to put on a new face in hope of getting forgiveness for the previous 11 months of sins , and i say that based on many of my friends and as this month start its like a complete change although I know it would not last for too long and the month will be over sooner than later, but it really disturbs me as i see these hypocrites trying to fool God.
Yes my GF cracked me up when she shared a story of one of her friend whom i consider real wild and a party girl that drinks and smokes weed, ...etc. , so she tells me that she stopped for Ramadan. so it seems that muslims think they are allowed to sin for 11 months and then in ramadan they can fast and all their sins will be wiped out !!!
Honestly , I wished muslims would stop the evil and the terror and the violence and the killing and the hate and they would not need to fast for Ramadan. I think what goes in your mouth and your stomach is trivial and has no impact on others however, violence, terror and killing and evil acts and inflicting harm on others are by far more dangerous and more serious as they impact others .
I wonder when muslims will set their priorities right and start a genuine change in behavior and I can assure them that they would not have to fast ramadan and they would not have to fool God.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What do muslims teach their kids in Madrasa, besides Quran?

I was inspired to write this topic based on a documentary that CNN is suppose to air this Thursday titled "Generation Islam" by Chritiane Amanpour, where she will take us on a trip from Gaza to Afghanistan and show us what these young muslim children , boys and girls are being taught in Madrasa. I was fortunate enough to find the documentary on CNN before it aired and I was able to see the videos that are part of the program.
I can not say that it was disturbing for the most part seeing what these kids are taught besides the quarn and how they are being prepared to be suicide bombers.

I hate to ruin the impact of watching the entire documentary and the videos,as some of the images and footage are disturbing and alarming and cause any decent human to be alarmed, kids should not be used like that. therefore, I am going to ask everyone to watch the vids and make comments. They can be found on CNN.com or you can wait till Thursday and watch the entire show.

I think , it will give u a better picture and better understanding of what islam is doing to these young kids, and as they say a picture is worth a 1000 words, so I advise all to see the vids.

Please come back and comment on the topic, I think it is very important, once I find a way to upload the vids from CNN to my blog, I would be glad to do it, but until then, please enoy the rest of the topics on my blog.
try this link


Monday, August 3, 2009

Islamists attack christians in Pakistan, killing 14 burning a church and a hospital and 100 homes, even children and women are not spared

The religion of peace is constantly on the move, from Egypt, to Iran, to China, to Nigeria and now Pakistan, just about on daily basis,killing , violence, terror, no one is spared, not even children, this time from Pakistan, where a children village is attacked by the muslim mob, by the thousands, attacking this small christian village, killing, burning homes, a church,and a hospital, not even women or children were spared, where 2 kids with their father and grandfather were in a house when muslims set the house on fire, and all 4 were killed, same scenario also took place with 2 christian women, where they were set on fire.
All this violence was started by a false claim that 3 christian youth have set a quran on fire, The christian villagers have denied the allegations, but clerics called for their death, this is the religion of peace for u. read more detail on the story below:

More than three thousand armed people attacked on Christian homes in Gojra Christian town on August 1, 2009, town situated in diocese on Faisalabad, after the earlier attack on Christian houses in Village Korian, 5 to 6 km from Gojra town on 30th July.

More than one thousand people held a procession in the main city of the Gojra town at about 8:30 AM on August 1, 2009. They were demanding death sentence of Talib Masih who is charged of false blasphemy in village Korian. Thousands of Muslims attacked on Christians in Gojra after the procession and opened fire on the innocent Christian people indiscriminately.

The Christians being week could not resist attack and more then 100 houses completely burned and looted from the houses and set every thing on fire. A Pentecostal Church situated in Christian Town was completely burned.

One Hameed Mashi, 50, who was fired with a bullet in his head died at the spot. His family members were gathered around his dead body. The extremists reached there and threw. All of them died and completely burned.

Two women were present at their home and they were also set on fire. They also died at the spot.

14 people have been Killed. and many are injured and they are hospitalized with no care in the hospital.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Muslim Uncle Burns 11 yr. old Niece For Wearing Lipstick

more barbaric, cruel and savage behavior by the followers of the religion of peace, this time the victim is an 11 yr old girl, who was burnt for simply wearing lipstick, read the story below:

Jaipur: Eleven-year-old Nazmeen can barely speak. She suffered 99 per cent burn injuries after her neighbor set her on fire - all because she dared to wear lipstick.

Nazmeen was attacked by the man she called nana (grandfather). On Friday, Saleem told the little girl not to wear lipstick. When she defied him, in a fit of rage he allegedly molested her before pouring kerosene on her and setting her on fire.

"He was beating me and when I said that I would complain to my father, he started abusing him. Please punish him," says Nazmeen.

Police have arrested 55-year-old Saleem, who runs a shop in the Ghatgate area.

Investigating officer on the case, NS Nagora said, "We are looking into the molestation charges as well. Investigations are on and a police team has just been sent to the hospital again."

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Female lawyers in Gaza are forced to wear a veil

Here is more evidence of the backwardness of the religion of peace, story below gives us further evidence that islam is forcing its retardedness on people and controlling their lives, telling them what to wear. Now gaza joins Iran, and saudi Arabia in forcing the veil and the latest is below story.

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Gaza's top judge said Sunday that he has ordered female lawyers to wear Muslim headscarves when they appear in court, the latest sign that the Islamic militant group is increasingly imposing its strict interpretation of Islamic law on residents of the coastal strip.

Supreme Court chief justice Abdul-Raouf Halabi said female lawyers will be required to wear a headscarf and a long, dark colored cloak under their billowing black robes when the court returns from its summer recess in September.

Halabi said his order was designed to ensure that women dress in accordance with Islamic law, which requires women to cover up in public, wearing loose garments and only showing their hands and faces.

"Showing a woman's hair is forbidden (in Islam)," the Hamas-appointed Halabi told The Associated Press. "We will not allow people to corrupt morals. This (dress code) will improve work in the courts."

Hamas seized power in Gaza in June 2007 and vowed never to impose its conservative values on others. But it has taken a series of steps in recent months that appear to be aimed at forcing residents to accept its Islamic-oriented social agenda.

Police have pressured store owners to cover scantily clad mannequins, and men relaxing on the beach have been ordered to put more clothes on. One secondary girls' school has made wearing a Muslim headscarf and loose robe a mandatory uniform in the upcoming school year.

The Gaza-based Palestinian Center for Human Rights issued a statement describing the new dress code for female lawyers a "dangerous violation of personal freedoms and women's rights."

The Hamas government formally says it is not imposing Islamic law on the territory's 1.4 million residents. Instead, it says it is simply ensuring that residents behave in line with the territory's own conservative culture.

Most women already wear the headscarf, and life in the Mediterranean strip comes to a complete standstill on Fridays as men gather for communal prayers in mosques.

Subhiya Juma, a female lawyer, said the judge's decision would affect only 10 or so lawyers – since the vast majority of the 150 registered female lawyers already cover their hair.

Juma, who does not wear a headscarf, said the point wasn't the number of women, but that freedoms were being eroded.

"This is dangerous – it's a clear violation of the law, it is taking away our personal freedoms – and by whom? The very person who is meant to defend our freedoms," Juma said.

All the respect to Ms. Juma , no she earned a spot in the list of muslim women fighting for their freedom of the backward cult and asking for their rights. she will be added to my list of brave muslim women.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Nigerian Islamist militant anti education attacks result in 150 dead

One more example of how islamists think, this time in Nigeria and the target is education and western schools, where dozens of people have been killed after Islamist militants staged three attacks in northern Nigeria, taking the total killed in two days of violence to 150.

A BBC reporter has counted 100 bodies, mostly of militants, near the police headquarters in Maiduguri, Borno State, where hundreds are fleeing their homes.

Witnesses told the BBC a gun battle raged for hours in Potiskum, Yobe State and a police station was set on fire.

Some of the militants follow a preacher who campaigns against Western schools.

The preacher, Mohammed Yusuf, says Western education is against Islamic teaching.

There has also been an attack in Wudil, some 20km (12 miles) from Kano, the largest city in northern Nigeria.

A curfew is in force in Bauchi, the scene of Sunday's violence.

Sharia law is in place across northern Nigeria, but there is no history of al-Qaeda-linked violence in the country.

Nigeria's 150 million people are split almost equally between Muslims and Christians and the two groups generally live peacefully side by side, despite occasional outbreaks of communal violence.

Militants chanting "God is great" attacked the Potiskum police station at about 0215 local time (0115 GMT) - the same time as the raid was launched in Maiduguri.

The police station and neighbouring buildings in Potiskum have been razed to the ground, eyewitnesses say.

Two people have been confirmed dead and the police have made 23 arrests.

Fringe group

The corpses of civilians are scattered around the streets of Maiduguri, after being pulled from their cars and shot, eyewitnesses say.

The police and army are patrolling, firing into the air, apparently trying to clear civilians from the area.

There are unconfirmed reports of a jailbreak in the town.

In Wudil, three people have been killed and more than 33 arrested. The senior police officer in Wudil has been wounded.

Security is said to have been beefed up in Plateau State, to the south of Bauchi, where hundreds were killed in clashes between Muslims and Christians last year.

Mr Yusuf's followers in Bauchi are known as Boko Haram, which means "Education is prohibited".

They attacked a police station on Sunday after some of their leaders were arrested.

Correspondents say the group is seen locally as a fringe group and has aroused suspicion for its recruitment of young men, and its belief that Western education, Western culture and science are sinful.

No further comments, this is the conclusion of how the religion of peace handles education.
I welcome the feedback and comments

FBI breaks up a Terror cell in North Carolina

CHARLOTTE, NC (WBTV) - Seven people were arrested and charged Monday in North Carolina with allegedly planning to commit terrorist acts overseas.

According to a federal indictment, the men believed "violent jihad" was the duty of every good Muslim.

Six of the seven men arrested are U.S. citizens and the one who is not, is a legal immigrant.

Daniel Patrick Boyd, 39, is the alleged leader of the terror cell. He lives in Willow Spring, North Carolina which is about 25 miles south of Raleigh.

Hysen Sherifi, 24, is a native of Kosovo and a legal permanent resident of North Carolina, according to federal documents.

The other five men arrested included: Anes Subasic, 33; Zakariya Boyd, 20; Dylan Boyd, 22; Mohammad Omar Aly Hassan, 22; and Ziyad Yaghi, 21. Each of these men are U.S. citizens and residents of North Carolina.

The men allegedly provided support to terrorists and trained to become terrorists themselves.

Different suspects allegedly traveled to Israel Jordan, and Kosovo to commit terrorist attacks, although the indictment does not indicate they ever succeeded in carrying out an attack.

The men allegedly trained in North Carolina to become terrorists and were willing to die to carry out a violent jihad.

The indictment says Daniel Boyd once trained at camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan between 1989 and 1992. It says Boyd fought against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.

The indictment also says the men had bought a lot of high-powered guns and were training in rural Caswell County, located northeast of Greensboro, as recently as a few weeks ago.

All of the men were charged with conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists, as well as conspiracy to murder, kidnap, maim and injure persons abroad. Daniel Boyd, Hysen Sherifi and Zakariya Boyd are each charged with possession of a firearm in furtherance of a crime of violence. Daniel Boyd and Dylan Boyd are also charged with selling a firearm to a convicted felon. Daniel Boyd is also charged with receiving a firearm through interstate commerce and two counts of making false statements in a terrorism investigation.

"These charges hammer home the point that terrorists and their supporters are not confined to the remote regions of some far away land but can grow and fester right here at home," said U.S. Attorney George E. B. Holding. "Terrorists and their supporters are relentless and constant in their efforts to hurt and kill innocent people across the globe," and Holding added, "We must be equally relentless and constant in our efforts to stop them."

has anyone noticed that the most extremists and radicals are the converts to islam? as we need to dig deeper into people like Daniel Boyd, John Allan Mohammad, Richard Reid, John Walker Lindh..etc.
I may have to look deeper into this, study the psychology of these individuals, look into the reasons of them joining a cult, becoming violent, evil and terrorists, the hate and the brainwashing that caused them to flip, I need to expand on all this in a new post.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sudan women 'lashed for pants"

Several Sudanese women have been flogged as a punishment for dressing "indecently", according to a local journalist who was arrested with them.

Lubna Ahmed al-Hussein, who says she is facing 40 lashes, said she and 12 other women wearing trousers were arrested in a restaurant in the capital, Khartoum.

She told the BBC several of the women had pleaded guilty to the charges and had 10 lashes immediately.

Khartoum, unlike South Sudan, is governed by Sharia law.

Several of those punished were from the mainly Christian and animist south, Ms Hussein said.

Non-Muslims are not supposed to be subject to Islamic law, even in Khartoum and other parts of the mainly Muslim north.

She said that a group of about 20 or 30 police officers entered the popular Khartoum restaurant and arrested all the women wearing pants / trousers.

"I was wearing pants / trousers and a blouse and the 10 girls who were lashed were wearing like me, there was no difference," she told the BBC's Arabic service.

Ms Hussein said some women pleaded guilty to "get it over with" but others, including herself, chose to speak to their lawyers and are awaiting their fates.

Under Sharia law in Khartoum, the normal punishment for "indecent" dressing is 40 lashes.

Ms Hussein is a well-known reporter who writes a weekly column called Men Talk for Sudanese papers. She also works for the United Nations Mission in Sudan.

Again the religion of peace is showing how islam treats women. after all the quran allowed beating of women, Islam is taking women on a trip back to the 7th century.
This is also a taste of what women have to deal with if sharia law is applied on muslims and none muslims.
for how long would women tolerate the abuse of islam and the sharia?

for those that speak Arabic, enjoy the video >>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPl6jDz4vW0

I welcome the replies.

Muslim Model fined, whipped for consuming beer

Malaysia, KUANTAN, July 20 – The Syariah High Court here today sentenced a model to a RM5,000 fine and six lashes after she pleaded guilty to consuming an alcoholic drink in public last year.

In his judgement, Syarie judge Datuk Abdul Rahman Yunus said in the event Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarnor, 32, from Sungai Siput, Perak, failed to pay the fine, she would be imprisoned for three years.

Kartini was accused of consuming a beer at Cherating Bay Lounge, the Legend Hotel in Cherating at about 11.40pm on July 11 last year.

She was charged under Section 136 of the Pahang Administration of the Islam Law and Malay Custom Enactment.

The accused, who cried when the judgement was delivered, said she would file an appeal through her counsel, Mohd Zuki Che Mat Ghani.

This is Islam for you, tells you what to wear, what to eat and what to drink? and if u dont listen u get a beating.I guess now I understand when someone called it a comprehensive religion, what he was talking about, it really runs / controls and ruins your life, its so comprehensive, its not even funny.
Enjoy the religion of peace.

I welcome the feedback.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Coming to America !!!!

Should we say welcome to America? and yes I am talking about muslims who this country opened its doors to and welcomed here, the funny or strange things here, these people are here with a certain agenda, as it became clear in the Khilafah Conference 2009 that just took place on July 19 just outside Chicago , the conference was organized by a radical extremists group "Hizb ut-Tahrir " and was held at the Hilton hotel.

As part of this conference agenda was "Capitalism is Doomed to Fail," "The Global Rise of Islam," and the "Role of Muslims in America,".
Hizb ut-Tahrir, rather than training members to carry out terrorist acts like Al Qaeda, focuses instead on indoctrinating youths between ages of 9 and 18 to absorb the ideology that calls for the formation of an empire — or "khilafah" — that will rule according to Islamic law and condones any means to achieve it, including militant jihad.
And one of the organization's more recent leaflets, published in March, calls for the declaration of "a state of war against America."

so here we go, America welcomes these muslims in their country and these muslims declare war and want to change America !!!
I just love this slogan they used in this conference (see photo above) , "The fall of capitalism and the rise of islam". Did anyone read into this slogan? if not please do so, and take it very seriously, what are they exactly looking for? I am not sure what rise of islam include on the menu? all I can say is muslims have the nerve to come to the west as guests yet they want to declare wars and change things and terrorize the west !! yet they still claim to be the religion of peace.

Once again, we all see that islam is becoming a bigger threat to freedom , democracy , civilization and to the entire world, than ever before, yes to choose to close our eyes and allow these barbarians to roam around our cities without control and with all the freedom is a big mistake that one day we will pay for this mistake very dearly and very heavily.

Now I question, are we being too easy on them? are we not taking them seriously? are we ignoring the danger they pose and the danger we are in? are we going to wait till we see another Sept 11 before we act? are we worried that if we treat them harshly we may ruin our image and our reputation of being a democratic west? and we respect all religions and all cultures and we do not discriminate, and we want to have this imagine as humanitarians and protectors of human rights? I just ask what good are image will be if we allow them to destroy us?
many questions and no answers.
Please give me your feedback and thoughts.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Muslim women fight for their freedom, when some women of the west give it up!!whats the secret?

I have in many of my recent topics in this web site and my blog demonstrated the effort , struggle and fighting muslim women are doing in order to fight for their freedom, respect, dignity and rights. We have seen many of these smart , educated and brave women lead the efforts such as Dr. Wafa Sultan of Syria , Dr. Badria Al Bisher of Saudi Arabia , Dr. Hatoon Al Fasi of Saudi, Buthaina Nasser (saudi) , Taybe Ibrahim of Kuwait, Ayaan Hirsi Ali , of Somalia, Toujan Faisal of Jordan, Nonie Darwish of Egypt, Ghada Jamsheer, of bahrain, Saudi Women's Rights Activist Wajiha Al-Huweidar, and many many other ,smart educated women who are trying to fight for equality of women in Islam and to have some respect, and stop the abuse and mistreatment.

On the other hand you will find some western women and we have few here and on YT, such as, reeln, zabiha, chimp and few others who gave up all these things including self respect, dignity, rights, ...etc. and accepted to convert to a cult that mistreat them and abuse them, a cult where man is superior to women, a man, has the right to abuse and beat his wife, a cult where man can have up to 4 wives at the same time, a cult where women are nothing more than a sex object and a toy for man's pleasures and desires. she is also a breeding machine, and a slave and a maid , she gets to clean and cook, and stay in the kitchen. I just wonder of all these women who have accepted such treatment and such life, what were they thinking? I can understand, influence and brainwashing can play a role and can be a factor, but can someone be that much brainwashed to give up all these things?

I have tried to come up with reasons and justification, but seriusly, it makes no sense and its beyond logic that someone would accept such conditions unless they suffer from mental or psychological problems, they are weak, and easily manipulated, they have no personality and no confidence. I can not think of any other reasons that would make a sane women make such poor decision. unless someone can tell me otherwise.

I welcome the feedaback.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

To enter the muslim heaven, dress code is required !!!

I cant say that this topic is a replacement of my "hijab" topic that was deleted from the ITF web site, but you can still read it here on my blog, but in more than one way this is a very similar story, to show how the muslim mind functions, and as I said once muslims seem to focus too much on dressing and dress code as if it is a requirement to enter the muslim heaven. Just like the hijab story this is also a true story.

last week decided to visit a friend of mine, she is a medical doctor and a muslim, i have know her for some time and i always thought she was open minded and more civil than most, she did not show any signs of radicalism or extremism , we always got along, anyway part of the discussion was the kids as she has 2 teen age kids a boy and a girl. as we started discussing the schooling , unlike my kids school which hardly has any muslim student except for very few and as I mention in my sons graduating class there was only 2 veiled girls, but in her kids school , u will find hundreds if not thousands of muslim students and i am sure many are veiled, but the discussion went on the school requirement for swimming for the kids in the high school., she surprised me when she expressed that most muslim girls if not all do not participate in the swimming but they had to go obtain a letter from the mosque saying its against the religion , haram, which she also had to do for her daughter. I am sure in her case its not as much the religion as the worry of what the muslim community will say of her and her daughter, as she is well known and as they have nothing better to do that watch everyone else.so she had to do it. I thought it was silly to do that, as I am still a firm believer in the saying that goes " when in Rome act like the Romans".

the story did not end here, then we went to discuss the boy to find out how she is open minded about him dating girls and she said nothing wrong with that, in fact she was bragging and proud of it, so its ok for the boy, not the girl, the muslim male privileges and the double standard in islam on how u treat a female compared to a male, so its ok for the boy to go after kafir girls but the daughter has to follow the dress code and the proper attire to enter the muslim heaven.

This story give me more evidence of the muslim hypocrisy , and how muslims behave and how they think and how the male always enjoy benefits and more incentives and to the male there are no rules and no limits and no dress code, but the female is another story.

I thought i would share with all of you this story, as it exposes islam from more than one angel, and it shows how the muslim mind works. many conclusions in this story, i am sure no need to point them out, i will leave it for your imagination to draw your own conclusions.

One last question, of the picture above, which of the 2 ladies has a better chance to enter the muslims heaven, the one on the right or the one on the left? can u guess from a muslim mind and according to muslim logic or illogic ?

I welcome the feedback and replies.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

More violence by muslims, this time in China

I am not surprised, are you? the violence, death and terror happens in any country if muslims are present, this time in China , The violent protest is the latest sign that tensions are still simmering in the Xinjiang capital, where violent demonstrations have left 156 people dead and more than 1,000 injured this week, most the violence was sparked by the islamists when they killed none muslims (Han nationals) in this region that is mostly muslim where 8.5 million muslims(Uyghur ) live, the Uyghurs muslims have been involved in many bombings and in targeting civilians killing women and children of the Han.

In conclusion, it makes no difference, violence, murder, terror and killing are not only in Egypt, Iraq,Somalia, Sudan, Yemen,Iran...etc. and its not limited to any country, its any where and every where u find muslims, they just refuse to live in peace, and they have to fight all none muslims , Christians, Jews, Hindus,Buddhists, name it, they spare no one , every none muslim is and can be a target, yet they claim to be followers of the religion of peace , and as always they are "the victims" and everyone else is bad, thats the muslim logic. so the entire world is wrong and they are right? could this also be a conspiracy?

I welecome the feedback.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The latest conspiracy theory by Muslims !!!

I am not sure where the limit is of muslims silliness , as the conspiracy theories keep popping from every direction, first was the Sept 11 terror attacks and then it was the Borj il Arab (the Arab Tower) and here is one for every to enjoy and laugh about, the tallest building in Dubai called Bourj Il Arab which was designed by a British architect was made to look like the largest cross in the world, and that upset many muslims and they started talking about a conspiracy theory.

Burj al Arab was designed by Tom Wright of WS Atkins PLC, during the designing stage, the world was told that it was built to resemble a sail, but critics are claiming that Wright designed the cross after he had a dream to have a Christian influence in a Muslim country.

Some locals claim that this was an intentional move on the part of the British architects. This issue is more ironic when one considers that the Tower of the Arabs is widely considered to be Dubai’s most important landmark. A Conspiracy indeed, but no words yet from the architect himself. The real question is, does it matter if it looks like a cross?

so now I tell my muslim good friends, here enjoy the cross, and keep looking up to it, its there to stay, and one day u will realize that it is the better choice compared with your moon "crescent" lol

Although this was mostly for the entertainment purpose, but i still welcome the valuable feedback and comments.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Do Muslims want to live in peace? and the answer is ...

I just love it when you hear a muslim telling others that they are peaceful people and want to live in peace, and as hard as try to believe that and convince myself, but muslims always manage to ruin that claim by committing violence and terror, this week was a busy week, from iran with the riots following the elections and killing several dozens of your Iranian that want freedom, to somalia where the islamics are killing everyone, to Iraq and the car bombing that killed close to 80 people , to Pakistan and the war on Taliban, to Yemen and the kidnapping and killing of foreigners and the latest in Egypt, a small town called Azbat Boushra of 4000 in population south of Cairo.
The violence started when muslims wanted to prevent the 200 or so Christians in that village from doing a mass / prayer in one of the christians homes, and they attacked the christians , after all was set and done , 18 people were dead and scores injured, in addition to property damage including the priest vehicle which was damaged and totally destroyed.

So here are some questions to muslims, why cant christians and none muslims have the freedom to pray and practice their own religions in the privacy of their own homes, when muslims have all the freedom to practice their religion any where in the world?
why cant christians build churches in some muslim countries when muslims are free to build a church on every block in the west , Europe and the USA?
since muslims have a mosque in Vatican , why cant christians build a church in Mecca?

Finally ,back to the question, do muslims really want to live in peace?
based on all above the answer should now be clear to all.

I welcome the replies and feedback.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Muslims dream of one islamic ummah is turning to a nightmare !!

Muslims have a big dream, a fantasy, an illusion or delusion of a one islamic ummah, and in my opinion dreams are good but the reality is that this particular dream is turning into a nightmare, and allow me to explain why and how.

Well in recent days we started hearing about the one islamic ummah but before that dream can even become reality islam needed to create the first steps / baby steps of changing the systems within the countries to islamic countries, and since they started these adventures , we have started seeing one failure after the other.

we have seen the Taliban scenario and how it brought a once thriving country down to the ground and back to the stone age. and then we saw several failed attempts to islamize Somalia and we saw the death and the wars and the destruction and the fighting to stop that project.

Today and after 30 yrs of islamic rule, we see Iran and the riots, and the fighting in the streets, we see how the young got tired of islam and the islamic rule, they want the freedom, they want life, they are sick of isolation and bad relations with the world, so what we are seeing today is the begining of the collapse of the islamic republic of Iran and the Ayat Allah Khomini dream that turned into a nightmare for the people of iran, iran was once advanced and civilized secular country , women enjoyed their freedom, people were living in much better conditions, now we see more poverty and more suffering. With the introduction of islam in iran the country was also sent back to the stone age. People suffered enough and now they are tired ,frustrated and they had enough. They want to go back to the Shah days , to having good relations with the west and the USA. They gave up on the islam example that did not improve their lives but made it much worse off. Now the young and women decided to challenge the islamic rule and voice their opinion, they went to the streets and we see all the riots by the millions and we see how the islamic government is cracking down on them killing seven young people.

In conclusion, the islamic system is a complete failure and talking about the islamic ummah will never see the light, and will always stay a dream and a fantasy and if it ever translates to reality it will be a nightmare for all.

Muslims of iran finally started realizing that, when will the rest of the muslim world realize that islam is not the way to go? do they really want to live the Iran example?

I welcome the feedback and replies.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Another brave Jordanian muslim woman joins the women rebel group

yes I call them rebels because these women will topel islam and turn it upside down, had to add this smart Jordanian lady to all these outspoken brave ladies from Syria Wafa Sultan, from saudi Arabia, Badria al_Bisher, and from Kuwait Taybe al Ibrahim and many others see my blog and see below post women of islam , and now added to this growing list Toujan al-Faisal (Arabic: توجان الفيصل‎) (born in 1948) is a human rights activist and a former TV journalist, who was Jordan's first female Member of Parliament. She is a Circassian.

In 1989, an apostasy case against Toujan al-Faisal was heard in the first instance shari`a court of south Amman, very smart and liberal woman that was not afraid to challenge the suystem and the government, very critical but smart and leveled, I consider her secular although they tried to tarnish her and go after her for apostacy and she was in fact improsed and served time. She was mistreated in prison and then she went on hunger strike for 1 month until King Abdullah issued a royal pardon and had her released.

Brave ,smart lady, that is not afraid to speak her mind, very liberal and sophisticated and an example for the younger muslim women on how they need to stand for their rights, and stop the abuse, get equal rights, refuse the descrimination against women, as is the case il all muslim cultures.

I welcome the feedback

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Was her saudi abusive husband following the quran when he beat her?

In this next story from saudi Arabia, where Muhammad Bakar Yunus Al-Fallatta, who almost beat his wife Rania Al-Baz (a tv anchor ) to death, many stories and many rumors but for the most part Rania was not well liked among saudis because she did not wear a veil and she appeared on tv with Oprah and she bashed the saudis , she also smoked and drank , so if she did all these sins, then her husband had the right to beat her as the quran tells him to.

This is not the first time her husband becomes abusive , as he shot at his sister in Egypt and then kidnapped her in Lebanon for singing. His sister Waad a famous singer that resides in lebanon . As Waad is seen all over tv networks as a liberated women, no veil and dressed in western attire, extremists including her own brother see a threat on the saudi society and feel the fear of pressure for social change within Saudi Arabia.

more example of the backward / retarded islamic system, that abuses women and refuses to pace civilization ,and the quran provides the necessary cover for all this madness.

I welcome the feedback

Another female Saudi writer Dr. Badria al-Bisher joins the ranks of rebel muslim women and calls for equality

yesterday as i was flipping tv channels i landed on Future tv a lebanese station and the guest there was an educated Saudi woman , columnist, writer and novelist Dr. Badria al-Bisher, and did not take much time for me in watching the interview to see and realize where this women is heading in her interview, very smart and educated lady that challenged the saudi islamic backward system in how it treats women. I can tell she is another voice to add to my list of muslim women that are challenging the backward islam and its treatment of women.

I was so impressed with this lady who authored many books and she writes in Al Hayat Newspaper, very sharp and educated, she shared her experience of how she was discriminated against in saudi Arabia , even when she submitted for her master degree at a saudi university, she was forced to remove certain sections that the reviewers did not approve off and she made it clear that they used ideological criteria rather than scientific criteria in their evaluation, she also expressed her frustration with the saudi moral police and how they treat women, in many of her writings she is critical of how women are treated in the Islamic society and the harassment they get subjected to, and she is a big advocate for equality and the liberation of women, she also criticized the enforcement of women covering and the requirements placed on women for how she dress and what attire she must wear (hijab).


Finally she went to Lebanon and did her PHD and now she is a writer and newspaper columnist.

Bisher is part of a group of more than 100 Saudi women who had campaigned in vain for the right to be candidates and vote in the local elections.

This remarkable educated lady Dr. Bisher is a true activist and a fighter, she joins Dr. Wafa sultan and Dr. Hatoon Al Fassi , and Buthaina Nasser and Taybe Ibrahim,Saudi and Women's Rights Activist Wajiha Al-Huweidar,and Saudi Tv Journalist Nadine Al Bedair in the ranks of all these rebel women fighting the radical and backward islam. Keep an eye on all these ladies, from saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Syria, they will change the muslim world and put it on the civilization tracks.

I welcome the feedback.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Wanted : Muslim Virgins !!!!

When I say islam is backward and retarded I am not exaggerating , here is the latest from Jordan, last year, 1200 females were asked to be checked for virginity by their prospect husbands, they in fact had to go and get checked and produce evidence from a medical doctor that they are virgins, so bottom line , a certificate of virginity must be produced before the marriage takes place.

I am really not sure any more if we are now living in the 21st century and on planet earth, or r we in the 7th century and on a different planet?

How can someone ask the women he loves and wants to marry such stupid request, how ignorant and how retarded. I tell u every day i hear new stories that really make me sick.

The question is where is the respect for women in islam and why do women even accept this nonsense. why would they accept all this humiliation , I call that insulting to women and this is not the grounds to build a home or start a partnership in a marriage. as it is clear that there is no trust and no respect.

I wonder whats next?

I welcome your feedback.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Not without my Hijab !!!!!!!!!

I often asked myself , with this latest trend of muslim women wearing hijab? what are they really thinking? is it a free pass to heaven? is it the get out of jail card? whats wrong with muslim women? why the sudden change?

Today in my sons graduation ceremony , with 650 graduates and with over 3,000 in the audience family and friends in this nice theater i couldnt help but notice 2 of the 650 graduate were 2 girls with veil, yes they stuck out like a sore thumb, i was thinking why muslims do that to their children? why not blend in the society? why are they here if they cant be part of this society, if they really disapprove of the morals of this country and what it stands for, then why are they here?

Its really disturbing and i can not deny that I was furuos of the hypocrasy of these people coming to this country and living as if they are in saudi arabia .

honestly sometimes i wonder if these girls are forced or brainwashed, or what the situation maybe but the blame still goes to the parents , what are they really doing are they giving their daughters the keys to heaven and the free pass is the hijab? I am sorry , but i firmly believe in the saying that goes , when u r in Rome live like the Romans.

I just wonder now we are in 2009 , will we see a trend here? will next year have more veiled girls? are we heading in that direction? will that be an indication of where this country is heading and if muslims are indeed taking over? or will muslims wake up from this delusion and will they decide to finally pace civilization and start changing and start acting more civil and start getting back on the right tracks and live in peace with the rest of the world.

let me ask , what is the importance of hijab and how do muslim woemn feel about it? does it cross their mind that they will not go to heaven without the hijab? does it give them more morals, does it make them safer, I know all these answers, but would like to here yours.

many questions, but no one knows the answers to these questions.

I welcome your feedback.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Sep 11 conspiracy - just ask "ASK" and the ITF

Its no secret that Muslims are always in search for excuses and anything to justify or blame others for any wrong doing by muslims , and what was more convenient than the Sept 11 conspiracy theory that muslims jumped on and adopted so quickly. anything to get them off the hook and the spot light, well thanks to couple idiots that made couple clips promoting the conspiracy theory , and now every muslim is an expert on this conspiracy , now they are all experts and structural engineers and they can analyze and they can tell you the building collapsed from explosives planted , then u here the Jews did it and some 5,000 jews did not go to work that day.

In the comments related to this post, the ASK members will post all evidence to refute this conspiracy theory, we will present all the evidence to show the muslims have done this terror act, and for those that promote the conspiracy theory , u r welcome to present your fairy tales as well , we will be glad to expose u and set u straight.

I invite the ITF members and friends to present every piece of evidence they have. so lets start rolling.

I am going to start off here with few things that refute the conspiracy theory:

1-The Video by Osama ben Laden taking responsibility of Sep 11

2-the video surveillance at the airports of the 19 hijackers.

3-The letters and materials found in the hijackers homes

4-The arrested 20's hijacker zakaria Mousawi the Morrocan and his confession

5-The arrest of the Mastermind of September 11 terror attacks , Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -

6- The phone calls between passengers and their relatives on the ground that confirmed what was going on on the flights.

7-The fact that many of the hijackers were enrolled in flight school and were in training to become pilots, like Mohammad Atta the Egyptian and Ziad Jarah the Lebanese, who were also seen on videos training with alqaida and Osama Bin Laden.

8- Even Omar Ben laden, son of Osama Ben ladden is confirming his fathers responsibility of Sept 11 attacks, watch vid on YT (sorry its in Italian and Arabic) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEV5lVHKJCE

and the list goes on .....

now I invite the ASK and ITF teams to keep building on this list.then we will formally post this evidence on this blog for our muslim friends to come here and get educated on Sept 11, and so they can forget this conspiracy fairy tale.

welcome the new ASK team.
see new video by ASK and The Infidels Mosques- top video on right Excellent and MUST SEE >>>

Will the women of islam spear head the effort that will cause the fall and collapse of ISLAM?

I will start with a very special,dear , smart lady, brave and courageous, educated and very eloquent,intelligent, and passionate .But what made her more special and distinguished from other muslim women is her courage and determination to speak out, to break the code of silence ,to challenge and break the rules imposed, she refused to be controlled and brainwashed. She broke the barrier of fear and decided to tell the world the truth about islam ,and I am talking here about someone we all know too well Dr. Wafa Sultan, this lady that went on a major Arab tv network and challenged islam and exposed all the evil islam and muslims are doing, she appeared before millions and was not afraid, she challenged the book of islam and the teachings and she exposed all the hate and evil promoted in this book. She was not afraid to question this religion, its practices, it book and even its prophet, which is considered a taboo is that part of the world. This charismatic figure left the life of submitting ,control and blind faith to life of reason that restores individual rights,freedom,dignity . from living in the past, the dark age and the backward mentality, to the future and the aspirations of tomorrow.this brave lady deserves all the respect.Wafa Sultan you are a hero.please click on her name on my side bar to access her web site >>>وفاء سلطان

The second lady is the Saudis scholar, Hatoon al-Fassi that argues women enjoyed more rights in Nabataean state before islam than in Saudi Arabia today.who also challenged Islam in a book she authored, for more information and more detail on this lady, you may visit my blog.

The third lady is the tv anchor /Saudi newscaster Buthayna Nasser who went on tv and challenged a Saudi cleric that she is entitled to show her face and appear on tv, she even went further and exposed how islam treats women , and she also confronted islam on how it brainwashes children. You can see her interview video on my YT channel on the video section of this web site.

The fourth lady is Taybe Ibrahim, a Kuwaiti scholar and book author, she called to change/ modify Kuwait to a secular country, and she also proposed the abolishment of article 2 in the Kuwaiti constitution that calls Islam the official religion of the country.Ibrahim is a known critic of the Islamic movement, read her entire story on my blog.

The fifth lady is Dr. Badria al-Bisher, a saudi writer and columnists / journalist, a big activist for woman rights in islam, and very critical of islamists and she is a strong voice for equality for women in muslim cultures, she is not afraid to criticize the islamists in her writings .

The sixth lady is Nadine Al Bedair a tv anchor and very critical of the saudis and the islamists treatment of women, I will be adding a video clip on her.

The 7th lady is Toujan Al Faisal, a Jordnian, she is a human rights activist and a former TV journalist, who was Jordan's first female Member of Parliament. In 1989, an apostasy case against Toujan al-Faisal was heard in the first instance shari`a court of south Amman, very smart and liberal woman that was not afraid to challenge the suystem and the government, very critical but smart and leveled.

The 8th lady is Subhiya Juma, a female lawyer from Palestine, living in Gaza under hamas islamic rule , and she is not pleased with enforcing the veil on female lawyers in order for them to practice their profession and be able to enter a court room, as a judge ordered all female lawyers to wear the veil and made it mandatory.

These 8 ladies are just an example and a small sample, I can add many more like Ayaan Hirsi Ali , Ghada Jamsheer of Bahrain, Saudi Women's Rights Activist Wajiha Al-Huweidar, Nonie Darwish , Einas Aldeghadi, and Najla Al Imam of Egypt and Nada Azmeh of Syria and many others, who are brave and strong and they challenged islam,and they were not afraid to question.

If this trend continues, we can only be certain that the fall and the collapse of islam will be on the hands of these brave and smart ladies.

I welcome your feedback and replies.

Will the infidels succeed in exposing and fighting radical ISLAM?

As the title said, will the infidels succeed in exposing and fighting radical islam? And my answer yes absolutely, but the question remains , how?

To answer that question, I am going to outline a strategy that will ensure that we succeed in this mission. The plan / strategy will take 3 different areas into consideration. And it consists of:

1- The satanic Book (Quran): To get to the source, the book, the Quran and to put holes into it's credebility as far as it being word of God, and that can easily be done and proven and the ITF theology team had done a good job in pointing all the errors ,scientific errors, the violence and the hate in so many verses that makes it impossible to be a word of God. In addition to the hate and the promotion of terror, killing, intolerance and evil behavior.

2- The false self proclaimed prophet : To prove that the self proclaimed prophet as a nothing but a delusional, fake, evil, war lord, who raped women, was apedophile who married a 6 yr old child, he was more focused on his sexual desires than anything else. His morals and behavior were not of a prophet of God. And that was also an easy task that the ITF had demonstrated over and over.

3- The behavior of Muslims: To link the behavior of muslims today to what the book commands and to the behavior of the prophet and thisis the easiest task of all, as muslims provide us with plenty of evidence and on daily basis , and let me say in fact they are very generous in providing us all we need and more , from terror, to killing, to hate, to evil behavior, our web site and our channels and blogs are filled with detailed true stories,facts and evidence that no one can deny nor refute.

Since all these 3 factors / elements are easily achieved and within reason, the only challenge we face is the muslims denial of all these facts and their refusal to see these facts and we already know that this denial stems from and all related to the continuous brainwashing they go through from childhood, the fear factor, and the taboo of questioning the religion.

Final message to my friends in ASK and the ITF, please stay focused, keep the mission on track, keep exposing the cult, we have invested 3 years and we have formed a reputable group. We have won debates and we have proven to always be winners.

Few words to muslims, be brave,open your eyes, see the truth, accept the facts , stop the denial, don’t make excuses, don’t hide and do not run. Make the right choice. Choose peace over war, love over hate, life over death.

To the new ASK team ,a big welcome to my blog

The 5 pillars of Islam - Educational

So many hear the term 5 pillars of islam? what are they and what do they mean? better yet from a point of view of a kafir / infidel what are they?

As a kafir , I wanted to touch on this topic for educational purpose for those that do not understand islam the religion and what it means and how it operates, so with no further delay, lets list the 5 pillars and then we expand:


2-Ignorance, dont ask rule



5-JIHAD (Violence / Terror)

now lets expand on all these 5 pillars and add a little detail to give the reader a better idea of what these 5 pillars mean to muslims.

Brianwashing: This starts at very early stage of life, when muslims brainwash their kids through quran schools / madrasa and at home, they are given a heavy dose of religion to confuse them and hinder their ability to accept anything else, in facts it may have negative influence on their personality and causes them to lose so much of their identity.

Ignorance: it goes along and hand in hand with brainwashing, the kids are not allowed to question things, they must accept what they are told and questioning is forbidden, one sided story and they have to accept it. use of brain is not acceptable, its one choice and no other, 1 track mind and end of story.

Fear: well u can also link this to the first 2, fear is the tactic used to enforce 1 and 2 but especially ignorance, so if u ask, u will be punished and go to hell and burn in the fire with all the graphical torture of what will happen to u when u go to jahanam (hell), so the child starts having these images and he would in most cases prefer not to ask and not to know rather than face this punishment.

Hate: well I guess the 5 pillars go together in more than one way, hate also starts at early age, hate the kafirs, hate the jews, hate this and hate that. its taught in schools and at home, kids are raised on hate. and we have seen plenty of evidence on that from real life and from the teachings, and the proof is there and clear and no one can deny.

JIHAD(Violence / Terror): well this would be the 5th and last pillar and thats when a muslim completes the first 4 and graduate to 5 , its the highest rank and the top of achievement and that is when u carry out the hate, in jihad, violence and terror, or as we say in America its adding the icing to the cake. and this is the final stage of the muslim life before he heads to his imaginary heaven and get his rewards and meet the 72 virgins.

I hope this crash course in the 5 pillars was educational enough and gives u a good idea on the religion of peace.

For further information on the 5 pillars of islam , please dont bother asking Shiekh Qardawi nor Shiekh Tantawi, but you may ask and please do not hesitate to ask any of the knowledgeable ITF and ASK team members or any free person on planet earth that has not been brainwashed by the cult of peace and was not subjected to the satanic book .

We are also always available to answer question , especially from our good muslim friends, that may have learned the wrong meaning of the 5 pillars of islam. hope this new more accurate definition helps.

I welcome your feedback and replies.

Warning "Islam is coming , You are next"

Many are still unaware of the creeping islam, but if we look around how the world is changing, we should be able to realize the danger of whats coming.

The Middle East :If we start with the middle east the Birth place of Jesus, and specifically palestine, we can easily notice how the population or muslim demography have changed and now most christians have left, palestine once mostly Christian now less than 5 %, the same goes for Egypt , where once it used to be Christian / Coptic and now mostly muslim and a less than 10% Christians. moving to Iraq also once mostly christian Chaldean and Assyrian , and now mostly muslim and again with less than 5 % christian. now lets go to Lebanon, and the same scenario is repeated, once mostly christian now 40% Christian and 60% Muslim. and give it few more years when hizballah takes over the country and the remaining christians would run away, just like they did in iraq.

Europe : Now lets move to Europe with the muslim population in the increase in France, England, and many Scandinavian countries , the danger of Islam on these countries is there, and its a matter of time. Islam is spreading like cancer and with the birth rate being so high among muslims and very low with none muslims, we are seeing how the demographic distribution is changing.

America: Lets move closer to home and the Americas continent , North American, USA and Canada, and we already see the trend and we can guess what it would be like few years from now. a visit to Dearborn Mich , u would think u r in southern Lebanon, a visit to Scarborough / Toronto Canada and you think u r in a muslim country. A visit to Paterson New Jersey, or Bridgeview Illinois, or Anaheim California , same scenario repeats itself, so i tell you my friends in the west , in Europe and the Americas, beware and watch out Islam is coming. with all the goodies that comes with it, retardation, backwardness, extremism , radicalism, violence, terror, crime, abuse of women, ..etc.

so how can we deal with this new reality and how can we deal with this threat to civilization, peace our well being and our future and the future of our children. how can we protect ourselves from this ideology being forced on us? how can we defend our freedom and liberty?

Please join the ASK team in debates on all these issues

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Brave Kuwaiti woman calls for a secular Kuwait

Taybe Ibrahim, a Kuwaiti scholar and book author, has called to change / modify Kuwait to a secular country, and she also proposed the abolishment of article 2 in the Kuwaiti constitution that calls Islam the official religion of the country.
Ibrahim is a known critic of the Islamic movement and in an interview with Alarbia net, she announced her plans to run for the next parliamentary elections.
Ibrahim said in the interview that if she wins the elections she will call to ban multi wives marriages , and she will call for equal inheritance between men and women.
She also added that islamists regimes are oppressive and they limit intellectual freedom. She also mentioned that she had been targeted and harassed on several occasions for her views. and in a sarcastic remark she said the islamists think that she came from a different planet / Mars. lol

smart and brave lady , all the respect

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Brave Saudi Woman tells the truth about Islam

This lady Buthaina Nasser is not only smart, but she is brave as well, when she appeared on a TV network to challenge a Saudi cleric on hijab and covering the face and the islam not allowing women to appear on tv as the cleric was saying.

she also talked how muslims are brainwashed since childhood, and she talks about women and how they are treated and discriminated against in islam.

we need more ladies like this one, she reminds me of Dr. Wafa Sultan. I see these women have more courage than most muslims out there.

I will be posting the video clip on this lady in my video bar in order for everyone to watch, listen or read the captions since the interview was in Arabic.
I salute this lady and i wish to see more muslim ladies speak out and demand their rights. Its about time to treat women as equal to a man, respect her and stop the abuse . Islam has clearly discriminated against women and did not give them equal rights as men.
Please watch the video clip, and feel free to comment. I look forward to your feedback